Naughty or Nice?
December 20, 2013
Merry christmas to all mommies!
December 23, 2013
Naughty or Nice?
December 20, 2013
Merry christmas to all mommies!
December 23, 2013
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Merry Christmas From Mommy Candy


candy 1Merry Christmas to all my sweet little adult babies and diaper lovers!   This is the time of year when Mommy gets to spoil her babies with presents and kisses under the mistletoe.

What is my Aby wishing for this year?  I know you all have been naughty every now and then but for the most part all my little ones have been such good little babies all year long.

So remember to put those cookies and milk out for santa and continue being good little adult babies for mommy Candy.

Merry Christmas

Mommy Candy

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