Mommies Time Out!
September 23, 2009
crossdressing secrets
September 24, 2009
Mommies Time Out!
September 23, 2009
crossdressing secrets
September 24, 2009
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your doing great!!


ok we having been potty training for a while now and i told you if you dont wet your bed all week i would get you your own pair of big boy undies! well guess what i found some and they have your favorite animal on them …SHARKS! but just because i give you these that doesnt mean you can go back to pooping and peeing in your underwear. You need to let me know when you need to go ..ok? No accidents..I mean it for every accident you have im gonna spank you. Do not go in your underwear! You ahve been such a big boy..and you love those cookies i give you dont you? well keep making it to the bathroom and we will get that cool car you wanted from the store!…I think you can do it! Go ahead make me proud!…If you think i can get you potty trained give me a call…cause giving you what you want WORKS!! call me!



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