Diaper Domme Mommy
December 17, 2015Christmas With Crissy
December 20, 2015Hello again to all of my Adult Baby and Diaper Lover friends! Things are hopping over here in Nanny Ellas nursery – just ask all the little ones who have come to play with me! Have you had a chance to stop by and chat with me lately? I hope so – because that’s another one of My Favorite Things!
Nanny Ella loves to chat with her bABies on the phone. I know how hard it can be sometimes to find a Mommy in your town, or to find other Adult baby and diaper lover friends nearby to play with. Sometimes, you just want to hear the soothing voice of a Mommy who can take charge and make you feel warm and safe, just by listening to her. One of my favorite this is to be able to share my gift with the best ABDLs ever!!
Nanny Ella