Oh my
April 8, 2010
Bath Time!
April 9, 2010
Oh my
April 8, 2010
Bath Time!
April 9, 2010



It always makes my day when I get to see pictures of the abies and diaper lovers who talk to me. It’s good to have an image to put to the voice. If you want to keep it private between you and I then I never show anyone the picture you share. If you like to show off and approve it I may use it on one of my blogs. It’s all up to you. So the next time you want to show Mommy a picture of your pretty dress or your sweet little boy pajamas know I would love to see you. You all are very sweet and special ( well except maybe the very naughty ones, but they are naughty and special) and it helps me to know you a little bit better.

Mommy Scarlet

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