ABDL Butterfly
September 12, 2013
I Love My Abbies
September 16, 2013
ABDL Butterfly
September 12, 2013
I Love My Abbies
September 16, 2013
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adult baby mommy nursery rhyme


Adult baby mommy is sweet and sometimes strict.
She always know’s what diaper to pick.
No matter what her little one wear’s rubber pant’s
onsies or plastic under wear.
Mommy check’s what’s under there.

Powdered bottom’s better beware and mis-behaving
swift and hard spanking’s follow without compare.
Mommy like’s to cuddle and give baby his bottle.
pacifier’s in ever shade.
Mommy know’s you need a nap after you’ve played.
Come now I see you rub your eye’s just let your stress’s
drift to the skies.

Mommy will rock you to nite nite and make sure you wake up
to a lot of healthy sunlite!

Hug’s sweet abie’s



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