Diaper Love
March 10, 2013
Sissy boy training
March 11, 2013
Diaper Love
March 10, 2013
Sissy boy training
March 11, 2013
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adult breastfeeding fantasy

Adult breastfeeding fantasy

Little Scotty loves when he goes out to the club & finds a big breasted,slutty

blond to take to the bathroom, pull out his little diaper

bag slips his diaper on & waits hungrily for his mommy of the night.

He asks that slut to pull her top open,she does & her breasts leap from her top

Scotty, pounces on her pushing her against the wall as his lips wrap around each nipple suckling.

His hard bulge in his diaper pushes into slut’s thigh making her moan even deeper.

Oh he can not wait any longer he takes his paci he is holding and rubs it under her skirt.

Sleazy little abie he is!


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