Lil’ Kitchen Helper
May 16, 2010
Chubby Cheeks
May 19, 2010
Lil’ Kitchen Helper
May 16, 2010
Chubby Cheeks
May 19, 2010

adult plastic pants

Tommy loves his Mommy putting him in plastic pants. It started out as punishment because he kept wetting in the bed he shared with his wife. Finally she came to the realization Tommy is just a big baby who has no business in briefs when sleeping. So every night she puts him in cloth diapers and plastic pants, Easy enough solution to the problem right? I thought so. Talking to his wife and Mommy was wonderful, it felt good to be able to help her and to help Tommy. Adult bed wetting doesn’t have to be bad and shameful, it can be turned into something loving.

Mommy Shirley

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