Metal Baby
February 7, 2010
Nice and Warm
February 10, 2010
Metal Baby
February 7, 2010
Nice and Warm
February 10, 2010

Today is a sad day for a couple other girls and I at the service I work for. It’s the last game of the season. There are a couple of us that love sports, especially football. Stacie and Sue I know are huge football lovers. We talk on the phone sometimes on Sundays during a game and yell at the T.V. together. It’s pretty funny to hear us all swearing and yelling and then arguing over plays. Thank goodness for three way calling. We haven’t done that for awhile because one of the girls is having a very weird situation with her phone. I hope you all have a peaceful day filled with friends, or family, a lot of great food and fellowship. And to Sue and Stacie: Go SAINTS! ~laughs~

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