March 28, 2010

Tea Party

With all this rain we’ve been having lately, I’ve been thinking that it’s a perfect time for a tea party. I’ll dress you up in the cutest little dress, complete with a big, floppy hat and a feathery boa. We’ll wear white, lacy gloves, and no outfit is complete without pearls of course. And for a special treat, I’ll be inviting over all your friends as well as a few of the mommies! Now mind your manners – pinkies out, napkins in your lap, and no slurping. Such a good […]
March 27, 2010

What Is This?

I have no clue what the heck this thing is. Do you? Some sort of pillow? But with silicone nipples? I can just see grandma knitting this. A very warped, not all together there grandma. I wonder if there are some sort of chambers behind the nipples that you can fill with milk, or water, or GHB. I kid. If anyone really does know what the heck this is please tell me, because I am truly stumped. Mommy Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
March 27, 2010

What have you been sniffin?

I don’t know if I would be okay sticking my face up this dudes ass just to view the landscape. LOL I thought it was an interesting picture nonetheless; whoever made these statues making the view point their ass, well I want to meet him! Maybe Adam needs an Eve on that roof top, ya think? But instead of cement use a nice cushy material like memory foam for her Boobs and view it through her nipples. Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
March 26, 2010

3 Minute Brownies

I made these and I have to say..YUUUUUUMMMMY! Nothing says yum like a brownie….actually I guess if brownies could say anything at all it would be more along the lines of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH as you bite into them. Thank Goodness they actually don’t do that! And even if they did I would still stuff them into my mouth with ever maddening glee! Who would of thought eating a brownie could be come such a deviant act. Me of course! Enjoy *shoves the last pleading and screaming bit of chocolate goodness into […]
March 26, 2010

Be Careful

  Be careful what you stuff in your diapers. Wouldn’t this kind of backfire be terrible? I have seen some hot bottoms after they got spanked really well, but none flaming like this. Even the naughtiest of abies get some reprieve. So stay safe and behave and maybe you can avoid something like this happening to you. If not be sure to remember safety procedures.   Mommy Scarlet
March 26, 2010

Super Mommies

Once we found a safe place to land on this strange planet, the first thing the Mommies needed to do was get the Babies changed. The Mommies all had Incredible Strength as did the Babies. As they stepped out onto the surface, they saw a lake near by. Perfect they thought, a great place for them to play, surrounded by little toys while us Mommies enjoy the sun before we get to work. As the babies waddled towards the lake, their full leaking diapers sagged while some of the leakage […]
March 25, 2010

Nanny says

Oh so you were wondering if you should do that or not….well nanny says you better think long and hard before you act up and do something that will get you into trouble….we don’t want to get in trouble do we…nanny will need to get her paddle out of the closet and do what she must then….so remember nanny knows all and will know if your a good boy or not….so you better behave and think about what your doing….since you don’t want nanny to give you a spanking or […]
March 21, 2010

Unique Onsies

I was speaking with Stacie earlier today because she is supposed to come and visit me soon and we were setting up dates for her to be here. She was telling me about some onsies that she had found online that she just adored, I asked her to send me a link and they had me laughing. So I wanted to share some with you that I thought were pretty funny: Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
March 21, 2010

Teddy Bears

Look at him! Awwww, he’s seriously fuzzy! I want him! Okay I’m done shouting! lol He looks very soft, doesn’t he? I think so at least. I want to hug him tight and just squeeze, kinda like Lenny did with the rabbits. If you do not get that reference then read Of Mice And Men and you will understand it. Do you all have a favorite teddy that you have? I used to have one, but I’m not sure what happened to him, he has gone missing and I’m a […]
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