March 20, 2010

Wet Diaper Contest

I was thinking, they have wet T-shirt contests, why not a wet diaper contest? All diapers could be weighed before they are put on. Then contestants are given two hours to get their diaper as wet as they are able (in ‘baby’ fashion only). At the end of the time limit, they would then parade, in pageant form, showing off how wet their diaper is and how far it sags down. And of course they would then be changed in front of everyone (so everyone could see that was no […]
March 20, 2010

So you want me to diaper you?

Mommy Sara loves to diaper her babies. There is such a special bond that is created when a Mommy diapers her baby. I so much enjoy the process of changing a diaper, the facial expressions, the smells, the touch and playful act. I know that we would all prefer to be changed in person, but sometimes this just isn’t a possibility and that’s where me and my other loving mommies here at phone a mommy come in and know this that we truly care about our babies and just wish […]
March 18, 2010

Oh so cute…

Oh so cute is what I thought…after nap time…I allowed some playtime….got them all dressed up and allowed them to play with all the new toys I purchased at the store….oh they had so much fun at my house when they were over for their visit…so can you imagine yourself at my house for a few weeks….oh we could have so much fun…dressing you up like a baby and then going out to purchase toys that you love to play with…oh my I can see it now…come play with me….Rachel […]
March 17, 2010

Did you have your Lucky Charms this morning?

I have to be honest I love my Lucky Charms cereal, but by the time I am through eating them the box is still almost half full! I love the marshmallows but the frosted oats….yuck. So my little Leprechauns, can you keep a secret? I am a fanatic about not wasting anything so to avoid this my babies have never had a marshmallow from the Lucky Charms box, nope only the frosted oats. Shhhhh now you said you could keep a secret and not keeping one is like 7 years […]
March 14, 2010

Not in my classroom

I am a very strict teacher, there is not much I am willing to put up with. You think your the class clown, but I know a better way for you to entertain your peers and it is not with your foolish antics. I’ll make you the class clown alright but by my methods, I’ll spank you so hard that you’ll pee your pants and your peers will be laughing at the pathetic little pansy boy that now stands before them soaking wet, with a face as red as his […]
March 14, 2010

St Patty's Day!

How does Mommy Sara celebrate St Patty’s Day? I am not Irish, but I use any excuse as most Americans do to party! And how do I celebrate it, well I have the little paper hats, four leaf clovers and green streamers that I hang throughout my house. My dinner table is set with green plates, napkins and confetti. I make corn-beef, potatoes and cabbage that simmers all day on my stove filling the house with the sweet aroma of cloves. My milk is died green with food coloring for […]
March 14, 2010

A Good Spanking

I am usually very sweet and kind, with just a touch of stern added in. Nothing too over the top, but there does come a time when sweet words said in a terse manner just does not cut it. That is when I have to do something more strict. Some of you have been spanked by me and you know that I try all other avenues before spanking you, and even then I explain to you exactly why you are getting one. Even though it’s a spanking doesn’t mean it […]
March 14, 2010

Hot Dog

Okay this picture made me at first go awwww, then I got really hungry. Lookie at the doggie on a bun! I wonder if it would be the same if there were a kitty on a taco. Anyway, it’s so flippin cute. Normally I do not like these types of dogs, they annoy me, yeah that’s right a whole breed of dog that annoys me from just looking the way they look. But how could you not like this sweet little thing? Stacie 1-888-430-2010
March 13, 2010


Came across this and it gave me a tickle, so I thought I’d share – enjoy! SMUT! by Tom Lehrer Give me smut and nothing but! A dirty novel I can’t shut, If it’s uncut, and unsubt- le. I’ve never quibbled If it was ribald, I would devour where others merely nibbled. As the judge remarked the day that he acquitted my Aunt Hortense, “To be smut It must be ut- Terly without redeeming social importance.” Por- Nographic pictures I adore. Indecent magazines galore, I like them more If they’re […]
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