March 12, 2010

His First Period

  Somehow I think this guy will be waiting a while to get his period. I do talk to sissies who like to pretend that they have gotten theirs and Mommy helps them through it. I don’t mind, afterall you can only learn so much from reading Judy Blume right? I like looking over at DailyHAHA and having a few giggles. This one made me think of the sissies I have played with that playfully asked a similar question.   Mommy Scarlet
March 11, 2010

Mission possible

Attention all my AB/DL’s I have a mission for you this coming week Well do you want to know…what I want you to do…well I hope you can accomplish it for my sake. I want you to put that diaper on and go out into public….underneath your clothes of course silly, hehehe and go out to the local grocery store or maybe to a local restaurant. I want you to wander if they can hear the crinkle of my diaper as I walk past or maybe they smell that powder […]
March 9, 2010


I know you like to draw on anything and everything you see but sometimes you just can’t do that you know so granny minnie looked around the stores for something that would come off when you start drawing on the floors walls the bathroom even the tub. Yes i know you want to be a artist someday but just not on my furniture and walls and even see some on that cute bottom of yours laughing just not sure how you got to the back part of your diaper on […]
March 7, 2010

Little Boy Blue

I found this version of the nursery rhyme; I thought it was cute, so I thought I would share it with all of you – Little boy blue come blow your horn. The sheep’s in the meadow the cow’s in the corn! And where is the boy who looks after the sheep? SHE’s under a haystack diapered neat! ____________ Little boy pink come make a wish The stars in the sky send you their kiss As you dream of a world so happy and free Warm in thick diapers being […]
March 7, 2010

Hide –n- Seek

Mommy loves to play games with her little babies, after my little one’s face turns all shades of red pooping and filling that diaper he looks to Mommy and gets this crazy idea that it is suddenly time for a game. A game of hide -n- seek no less. He takes off running away from me and I chase after him, Oh what fun we have together. And when Mommy catches baby he will get kisses and a sweet diaper change. Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
March 7, 2010

Camo Sissy

I live in the South, I know, the best place on earth! How could it not be? I mean, I do live here! Oh my, I am kidding, I am no where near that full of myself. There are a lot of hunters around here though. Always dressed in their camo and orange vests, carrying rifles…..that does not sound very good does it? Let me get back to where I was going to go with this in the first place. Ah yes, the hunters, I had a very odd thought […]
March 7, 2010

Taking Care Of You

Yeah, yeah, I know I’m the evil babysitter. It’s what I am and what I do, BUT I do have a soft side….on occasion. I mean not all of you are bad are you? I didn’t think so, but who knows maybe you are. Which is fine by me, but I have to say, it’s nice to get a call from a good boy or girl once in awhile, so I don’t have to be so strict and discipline all the time. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
March 6, 2010


Another accident I see, I have had enough of you having accidents in my classroom. You have been told there would be a consequence to you failing to make it to the bathroom on time. Come up here in front of the class. Mizz Rebecca will have to diaper you in front of the whole class! Mizz Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
March 4, 2010

a true friend

  People on the phone and online ask me all of the time if my friends know what I am into or what I do (being a phoneamommy). Some of them do, and the ones I can trust with that are my true friends. It’s not so much that I think the others would hate me for it, but they are a bit close minded and may not understand and therefore judge. I am sure you all have friends like that, like both actually. I used to think that if […]
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