August 19, 2013

diapers for days

Do not despair we have diapers for days. You should come prepared to be pampered and praised. A mommy is like a warm blanket security around you and being assured if you need someone to run too. If you are a good adult baby,sissy,sub or diaper lover you may even have fun while we do what we do. Bring us your dreams and your fetishes as well for we never fail to please you. Making a day at the park an adventure that you do not want to end. Keep […]
August 16, 2013

Foot Baby

You’re always such a good boy when I tell you to sit at my feet, be it while I’m standing in the kitchen, or sitting in the living room. A big smile always comes across your face when I tell you curl up at my feet as I prop myself against my headboard of my bed, settling in for the night. I feel your hands gently wrapped around my calves, or resting on my feet.  I feel when you lean against my legs, your cheek caressing my soft, supple feet.  […]
August 14, 2013

Spare the rod?

I can be the sweetest, most nurturing mommy that you ever imagined. But, I can also be a strict mommy when you don’t do as your told. This little darling thought it would be funny to disobey Mommy, but oh how quickly we proved that wrong! You see, my darling thought it would be fun to dress up in Mommy’s clothes while she was gone. Putting on my favorite blouse and skirt, with my sheer panties and matching bra underneath it all. He thought I would never know, but he […]
August 12, 2013

regressed and into golden showers

You are just coming in from a long day at work and  I walk in to your living room and pour my magic dust in your face. You start to feel strangely as the dust is shrinking you and making you a baby. You coo and gurgle as you watch me lay you on a towel on the bathroom floor  and then you point to your small cock and I know what that means you need your  golden thrill then I let it go a sweet release all over your […]
August 9, 2013

Diaper Discipline: Diapered and Bound

There is such a wide array of Adult Babies and Diaper lovers alike. There are the sweet and loving ones – those that can be left to their own devices, perfectly content to entertain themselves as long as they know mommy is around.  There are the playful and rambunctious ones – they like to have mommy close, playing and sharing in the daily activities, in need of a wide array of activities to burn off all their seemingly never-ending supply of energy.  And then there are those that are down […]
August 8, 2013

New Playmates

Last week, Daddy was telling me about a new man at work.  Daddy said the man was very nice, but he was very lonely.  See, the new man just moved here from another town, very far away, and didn’t have any friends here yet.  The poor man!  I felt very sad for him, and I just can’t imagine being so far from home! Daddy asked if I would like to meet the new man and make him feel welcome.  With a giggle, I bounced up and down, clapped my hands […]
August 5, 2013

sissy training

Here you are now with your the powder pink overnight bag you are so ready for you sissy training with me! Yippeee you are so excited you can hardly stand still as I get my magic trunk of make up out for you too see the rainbow of color’s that I have all picked out for you and your transformation. You are just in awe of all my preparations I have sissy pink dress’s all in your size a selection of corset’s Bras and panties with ribbon’s and lace. You […]
August 2, 2013

Office Visit: A Story of Diaper Punishment

At first when you see me in the hall at your office you smile and think what a wonderful surprise.  Then you notice the rather large bag on my shoulder, and your thoughts start to race.  Noooo, she wouldn’t…she couldn’t….and you play back the conversation/argument from the night before. How it ended with what you thought was just an empty threat – and yet… here I was, with what you can only assume is a full diaper bag, ready to follow through on my threat; neigh, my promise, to put […]
July 29, 2013

Diapered in a dungeon

 Diapered in restraints down in my dark  lit femdom dungeon. You take that dildo pacifier nice and slow or I will put you in the rack and stretch your balls till  they are sore! The corporate world you hide in has no idea how much of a worthless loser you really are  perhaps I should invite a few of them down to my dungeon for drinks and a round of pin the tail on the diaper sissy. Would that frighten you to be seen as the sniveling coward you are in […]
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