January 3, 2010

Nursery Rhymes

Sometimes when I get a call I am asked to repeat Nursery Rhymes or read Stories to the abies and sissys. I have to say, I really enjoy doing this. It gives the feeling of me being there, holding them on my lap, or sitting up right on the bed as they lay there sucking on their paci and holding their favorite stuffed toy. Do you have a favorite Nursery Rhyme that you like to hear? Give me a call and we can have some special time together before you […]
January 3, 2010

Winter Sunset

Winter is upon us, and we will get tired of the cold, snow, and wind. We will get tired of the gray sky, and the small amount of daylight. I know it can be dreary and it seems like it will never end. I myself, likes the cold. I would much rather play in the snow then go to the beach. I do not like summer, it gets so hot here that you cannot breath some days and going outside is just not a pleasant experience. So, during the winter […]
December 31, 2009

Let me Pop your Cork!

What better night to pop your cork then tonight with me on a secret discreet call. Do you have the Hots for that Sexy Boss of yours. Day Dream over that Cute Girl that sits in the cubicle up one from yours. Stumble over your words with the Newest Member of your Team? Jack off to the thought of that Drop Dead Gorgeous Customer jumping you in your office? Well why not sneak away from the Company Party this evening and Give me a Jingle. Let us play out your […]
December 31, 2009

Happy New year to You

Happy New Year Wish My Happy New Year wish for you Is for your best year yet, A year where life is peaceful, And what you want, you get. A year in which you cherish The past year’s memories, And live your life each new day, Full of bright expectancies. I wish for you a holiday With happiness galore; And when it’s done, I wish you Happy New Year, and many more. By Joanna Fuchs   Happy New Year, Mommy Scarlet
December 30, 2009

Happy New Years

So now that Christmas has past and we are now preparing for the New Year…what is your resolution and how can I make sure that you follow your plan….yeah that is it….I will know when your bad and I will also know when your not doing what is expected of you….so be cautious this coming year or else…the walls do have ears and eyes upon you….so you better be prepared to take the punishment if I find out that you have not did what you were told to do…you know […]
December 27, 2009

Happy New Year

So how was everyone’s Christmas? Hope Santa treated you well and gave you everything you asked for! Did he leave you a new paci in your stocking? Or maybe a new box of diapers under the tree? In either case, I hope everyone has a Happy and safe New Year, and remember, if you choose to fill your bottle with a little holiday cheer, make sure that mommy is the one doing the driving – we want to see you back here safe and sound for the new year!! Mommy […]
December 27, 2009

Stay Warm

You all need to dress warm when you go out side. Make sure you wear your hat, gloves, scarf, and good heavy coat. Being cold is one of the most uncomfortable feelings in the world. This past week we had one heck of a snow storm here in Texas. It was terrible. I had to go outside and shovel snow, something I really hate doing. As I was shoveling, I couldn’t help but think of you all and hope that you were all bundled up as warm as possible when […]
December 27, 2009

What Did You Get

Was Santa good to you this year? Did you get anything good? I know some of my callers got some good stuff. Some received brand new Rhumba’s some received diapers, and toys. Some toys were naughty! For shame! lol Do you want to know what I got? Normal stuff. No diapers, no naughty toys, I am jealous of some of you lol. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
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