December 24, 2009

spanked over the knee

Hmmm don’t you kind of wonder what this man did to get put over her knee in front of all of those women? Maybe you were too busy thinking “why not me?” to even consider what he did wrong. I like to think that he had an accident in his pants and was just getting spanked before she stuck him back into thick diapers right there in that room. The desk would make a fine changing table, and then all of the women could stand around while she did it. […]
December 23, 2009

Special purchase

He was so surprised when mommy came home from shopping….had found a new bed for him to sleep in at night…at first he was shocked since he was so use to sleeping with mommy in her bed…but big boys need to try to sleep in their own beds….told him for naps he would need to sleep in his own bed but he still did not like…tried everything to please little one but all he did was make mommy upset…don’t you be a bad little one…mommy will need to make that […]
December 22, 2009

Yummy Appetizer

Looking for a fun new Appetizer for the Holidays? I found this receipe a few years back and have made it ever since Here Goes: Ingredients: * Small Block of Parmesan Cheese * Box of Pitted Dates * Bacon slices, cut crosswise into thirds Prep: Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 450°F. Slice dates down the center Cut cheese in chunks to fit inside the dates Stuff 1 piece of cheese into each date Wrap 1 piece of bacon around each date securing it with a […]
December 20, 2009

Which List are You On?

Well, looks like christmas is just about on top of us.  Now which list do you think you’re on? Will you be on the nice list? Or have you found yourself on the naughty list this year? Have you been nice to all the other ABies? Eaten all your veggies? Done what your mommy has said? Or have you been less then sweet and cooperative? Well, I’m sure you’ll be getting everything you deserve this Christmas, which ever list you end up on *wink*. In any case, have a wonderful […]
December 20, 2009

Happy Holidays

It’s a shame that we do all this work for just one day of presents. It’s over so fast. That’s the only thing I really hate about Christmas. I’m always left with this almost depressing feeling for the couple of weeks following the big day. I really do not like feeling that way. So this year, I’m doing things a bit differently. I have 14 presents for myself under my tree, and I bought them after Christmas through May of this year and wrapped them as soon as I got […]
December 20, 2009

A Very Special Poem

I was strolling home from work just after midnight Christmas Eve Watching snowflakes softly decorate the houses and the trees, I had worked a double shift and I was tired from head to toe But I chose to walk back home instead of driving in the snow. As I hummed a Christmas song I had a picture in my head Of my children dreaming joyous dreams all bundled in their beds, And I thought of my dear wife who would be waiting up for me With a plate of Christmas […]
December 19, 2009

Wanna Lick…..

My Candy Cane? Or just wanna watch me as I suck on this hard, thick, sweet piece of Candy? Watch as I slide it slowly in and out of my mouth. Let me taunt you with my tongue, taking long slow licks. Rubbing it along my breast, over my tummy, and inserting into my dripping pussy, massaging my pretty pink lips with it. Mommy wants to share in the pleasure and slide it up inside your little man hole. Such a sweet toy! Are you as turned on as I […]
December 19, 2009

A Mothers Love

What a sweet image of Rudolph and his Mother. A Mothers love is strong, binding, and enduring. No matter how bad you’ve been all year, Mommy still loves you! So snuggle up with your Mommies this Christmas Eve and wait for Santa with her. Let Mommy change that diapey, feed you and tuck you in to wait for Santa. Perhaps if we are lucky will catch a sight of Rudolph and the other reindeer’s! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
December 17, 2009

Chritmas memories

One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is looking over ornaments as I hang them on the tree. Some were mine when I was a child, and some belong to other members of my family. Then there are some I have gotten recently. One of my favorite ornaments was one my Mom gave me that used to hang on her tree. It was a Rocking Horse that looks a lot like this one. It’s nice to see it on my tree now after hanging it at home for […]
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