July 26, 2013

Reasons to Spank…Let Me Count the Ways

I can think of a lot of reasons to spank a naughty boy.  Tommy, however, has to be my naughtiest little one under my charge by far!  He constantly wets his pants even though he is way too old to do so. I have even resorted to putting him in a diaper, instructing him that he’s not to wet his diaper. I have told him repeatedly,  he mustn’t wet himself at his age, but he doesn’t care…so I have had to start spanking him – of course his mother said it […]
July 22, 2013

Can’t make it without a diaper accident?

You cant not make it an hour without a having an accident in your adult diaper you filthy little one! keep going like this and you will surely run right out of diapers in no time. I think it is time for mommy to keep you in that smelly,messy diaper and punish you very intensely with a good hard spanking. Get over mommy’s knee so I can pull them rubber pants down and we can get on with the discipline that is much needed in this situation. There now after […]
July 21, 2013

Mommy’s Tinky ABy

Oh my! It smells like somebody has made a stinky mess in his diapy! Come here and let Mommy check, my sweet little ABy. Never mind all the other people in this busy park, Mommy will have to change your ‘tinky pants right here. I spread a soft blankie on the grass and lay you down. Kneeling between your feet, I pull the diaper bag close and get all the changing supplies set out. You stare up, wide eyed, at all the people milling around us and I can see […]
July 19, 2013

Dirty Diaper

Oh don’t worry i heard you screaming well into the night i know you messed that diaper just had to let me know about it didn’t you and mess with my sleep.Thought you would get a nice clean diaper change didn’t you man did you get a big surprise.I reached over and pulled open my night stand drawer brought out my nice little package and opened it up and took those ear plugs and popped them into each ear and went back to sleep all smiling too. Wasn’t too happy […]
July 18, 2013

Let Mommy Comfort You

There is nothing like the warmth of mommy’s touch first thing in the morning; you can feel it on your back. You turn over and see mommy’s bright eyed smiling face and she begins giving you lots of sweet gentle kisses all over your face. You love being woken up by Mommy. She’s waking you because your diaper needs changing.  She begins to undo your diaper and she makes a comment about it being all soggy and wet. You feel the cool soft wiping with the baby wipe that mommy […]
July 15, 2013

diaperslave whore

You are my diaperslave whore you like to wet your diapers  and make such a mess for me to clean up. As I am changing your dirty nappie you make it messy with your filth on purpose you   are mocking your dommy mommy! Be a better adult baby with me or I will give you some harsh spankings, you do not wanna be on  my bad side I am telling you now so we can avoid that predicament. Why are you running from me with that bare ass of […]
July 14, 2013

The Bois In The Hood Are Always Hard

You thought you were a big boy. Thought you could disobey me, and talk back to me, with that dirty little potty mouth of yours, but how did that work out for you? I asked you nicely to stop saying dirty words, but you just wouldn’t listen. After the first warning, you got duct tape over your mouth, but yet you continued to defy me. Next, you got a sound spanking with my new paddle, and still you fought me. When I pulled the Hood out, your eyes got big […]
July 11, 2013

AB Mommy and Abie Go to the Beach

I love the summer months for one main reason – the beach.  I’m a water baby so I always look forward to spending time at the beach, and Mommy has several new bikinis to wear!  And just like me, my sweet Abie just loves to spend the day at the beach as well.  I make sure that I pack his little swimmers diapers, along with lots of toys to play in the sand with.  Now of course I’m careful to rub plenty of sun block on his delicate skin, and […]
July 8, 2013

Cali Kitty Toots!

I learned a funny trick this week! It’s really silly hehe… and just a tiny bit naughty… but it’s just soooo funny!! I can’t believe I just learned about it. I was having my *special* Cali playtime with a toy Daddy got me as a end of the school year present and I guess I must have gotten a little carried away hehe. See, I was uhh… ya know, like moving it in and out, hehehe… and I started to go real fast ‘cause it was feeling so good, and […]
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