November 29, 2009

The Best Feeling In The World

Do you know what one of the best feelings in the world is? Besides being forced to wear a diaper to a party with just women sitting around that you know detest you lol. Being in love. Love is hard to find, it’s hard to keep and it’s hard to make last. Love is hard. I see over on diaperspace a lot of people looking for love, or someone to take care of them as an AB or DL. It breaks my heart really. I wear diapers and I know […]
November 29, 2009

Girls In Diapers

Sometimes you gotta go. And no matter how much you try to hold it, it just happens. I think this girl needs a good thick diapered bottom so this won’t ever happen again. What do you think? I would lay her down and put a pretty Molicare on her, she would look good in one I think. And of course Mommy would change her as necessary, just like I do all my little ones. ~smiles~ Liz 1-888-430-2010
November 26, 2009

diapering thoughts

I’ve been chatting with an online acquaintance I had lost contact with until today. I forgot how adorable he was though, what a pity. Since then I have just been thinking of how cute his bottom would look thickly diapered. Or how slowly I would rub baby lotion over it. He has one behind I would take my time with. I kind of think all cute butts need to be powdered and then diapered, don’t you?   Mommy Scarlet
November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Comments I hope eveyone has a great turkey day tomorrow with your loved ones. Be safe and thankful. Mommy Josie ask for the” turkey special” to get a discounted rate, hurry because it only lasts through midnight Nov. 30!!
November 25, 2009

Come on Over

Oh does someone need a hug…well come on over and I will make sure that your well taken care of…I have the nursery all set up and it needs someone to make it complete….I have a great deal of experience in diapering, bathing and what ever else my little one may need…Nanny loves to cuddle with all her little ones and make sure that they are well taken care of while they are in her care….so don’t wait anylonger than you have to for Nanny to take care of all […]
November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Feasting

When the Halloween pumpkins are gone, And the leaves have all fallen to ground, When the air has turned windy and cold, Then Thanksgiving will soon be around. Thoughts of loved ones all feasting together, Pleasant pictures from past times appear To dwell in each heart and each mind– Then Thanksgiving is finally here! The kitchen has scrumptious aromas, The dining room looks oh, so fine, Decorations with pilgrims and turkeys, And now we are ready to dine! First the napkins are placed on our laps; Now the prayer for […]
November 22, 2009

Parade, YAY!

One of my favorite, FAVORITE things at Thanksgiving besides the food is the Macy’s Parade! My dad and used to watch it together while my mom cooked. It would just be him and I, and I loved that time together. There were not a lot opportunity to spend any alone time together, but this one day of the year, him and I for a few hours would sit and be together and watch it. It was awesome! I miss my dad, and I loved him very much. So this Thanksgiving […]
November 22, 2009

Sissy gets spanked…again

What’s that Baby J? You wet your pretty panties again? Why didn’t you tell mommy you had to go potty? Now look at thos pretty panties mommy picked out for you all soaked. What am I going to do with you? Go get  mommy the paddle. If I have to go get the paddle you are really going to get it… Mommy gives spanks Mommy Josie **ask for Mommy Josie’s “turkey special” to get a special rate of 1.79/min now through Nov. 30.
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