November 14, 2009

The Season of Giving!

While all us Mommies add more to our wish list and all you babies write your list for Santa, let us not forget those who may not be as fortunate as us this Holiday Season. Every Year your Mommy Rebecca partakes in helping the Salvation Army prepare meals for Thanks Giving and buys gifts for the local Fire Department Toy Drive. So here is a great site I wanted to share with you in helping you find the right charity organization. Just visit this site and see if there is […]
November 14, 2009

Fall is Here!

This is truly my favorite time of year! I love the change in the weather, it sparks up my enthusiasm and I bubble over with energy from the briskness in the air. We get to bundle up in our finest fall attire, polished off with our stylishly swank accessories of scarves, boots, and gloves. Shopping for all those gifts and goodies then grabbing a bite out with a friend. Baking, drinking, and laughing while the holiday music plays in the background. Snuggling in front of the fireplace, drinking hot toddies […]
November 12, 2009

secrets stockings

  Christmas shopping can be such a pain if you wait too late, so I have gotten started pretty early. In fact I am almost done with my abie’s stocking stuffers. We have the gifts we give each other that are ok to open in front of family, and then we do naughty stockings for one another. I think abie and diaper lovers should treat themselves to a naughty stocking this year and every other year. Even if you know what is in it, saving it until Christmas Eve or […]
November 12, 2009

Very Naughty

Wow I heard you were very naughty the other day…did you not listen to mommy…I thought so…you don’t want to disappoint Mommy do you…had to make sure that he understood that mommy is the boss and that back talk will not be tolerated…tried all other options but spanking was the only way he understood that Mommy is the Boss and will tell him when it is ok to speak… time he will think about what he says to mommy won’t he…don’t be the next one over my knee…Rachel
November 8, 2009

A Special Dress

Oh I found the most delicious dress the other day.  I do so love vintage dresses, and if they have a gothic flare to them, well all the better.  So what do you say we slip this over your head and see how it looks on you?  Then we can take it for a little “test drive” around the block! We could even take a survey on how everyone likes your new dress *wink*!  So whatcha say?  Up for something vintage? Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
November 8, 2009

Cute and Bad

How can you be cute and bad you ask? Just talk to any of the little one’s that call me, they are all cute and bad lol. They try and they try to use it to their advantage, but it never works. I can be very strict, but I can also be very loving as well. See the way they act dictates on how I respond, if they are all full of love, then they get affection back, if they are naughty then the only thing they get back is […]
November 8, 2009

Orion Is Arising

This is one of my all time favorite songs. It’s so pretty. If you can look for it online so you can hear it. It’s a fantastic bedtime song. 🙂 Liz 1.888.430.2010 Orion is arising You can see his stars ablazing Way out here in the middle of a deep blue country sky. And still what is amazing You can see his stars ablazing Way out here where nothing hides it from my eyes. And sleeping outside in a bag as a kid It seems like the best thing that […]
November 8, 2009

ABie massage

First of all, my favorite oil to use is olive oil. It is natural and perfect for massage. I love to give my baby boy a nice oil rug down after his babth. Mommy will wash you in a nice warm bath, then lay you down on top of your nice thick diaper. But before I close it, I will get out the oil, warm it between my hands and give you a rub down. Massage is very good for baby boys who work all day and need mommy’s attention […]
November 6, 2009

Need a Nanny

Are you looking for that nanny who will take care of you when mommy and daddy are away at work…well here you go your search is over…I am very experienced and would love to make you my special project for the day…I could read you a story….diaper changes…dress you up to take you out and show you off to all my nanny friends…or maybe we just need to spend sometime at home to get you adjusted with nanny and all she can teach you…Nanny Rachel would love to spend some […]
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