October 18, 2009


Sunday, a day to relax and watch people get their butts kicked. What more could you ask for? I enjoy a good game of Football, and please do not think that because I live in Texas that I like the Cowboys, because I don’t! I know that’s a major sin here, but bring on the angry mob. Anyone that could keep T.O., or even pick him up for goodness sake is a joke in my book. Maybe T.O. just needs to wear some Rhumba panties, a short belly shirt with […]
October 18, 2009

Vegan Adult Babies

If you are a true vegan then you know how hard it is to find something that you can use as a skin barrier between your soft tushie and that diaper. I have found a Vegan Friendly Diaper Salve. It’s made with hempseed, and it’s all natural. So Vegan ABDL’s rejoice. Now you can be meat free in your diaper too, uh, you know what I mean. Stacie 1.888.430.2010
October 17, 2009

Regression Potion

I have a surprise for my husband tonight when he gets home.  He wants a mommy to clean up after him? Well a mommy he will get. Mommy has concocted a very special potion for his after dinner drink tonight. It is going to shrink him down and regress him back to a sweet baby boy. If I am going to take care of him, it will be much more worth my while if he is a beautiful baby boy. Mommy Josie
October 17, 2009

Diaper Genie

I have found that the diaper genie rarely grants wishes, this poor guy has yet to figure this out! Perhaps he should just learn to take the diaper pale out each time it becomes full, spray some Lysol and be done with it. I thought the picture was cute regardless and wanted to share, but rest a sure my little ones, Mommy always takes empties the diaper pale and cleans thoroughly, I never rely on Genies to do the work. Mommy Sara 1 8888 430 2010
October 16, 2009

I know you need a spanking! Naughty little adult babies aren’t going to be tolerated when Mean Mommy Lexus is here to set you straight. Discipline, enemas, humiliation, sissification and more! Do I have you shaking in your diapers yet? You should be! Mommy Lexus enjoys hearing your confessions, disciplining and punishing you, teaching you manners and obedience, and all kinds of role play scenarios. If you are a bad baby and you know it, Call Mommy Now because if you can learn to behave, you might get some special […]
October 15, 2009

Who would you be?

What’s your all time favorite oldie? I would say mine is Gilligan’s Island. If I were to be any character on that show I would think I would be Maryann. I think they would all look sooo cute in a nappy! Mostly, Maryann and Gilligan. Who do you think better represents you? The professor? Gilligan? the Millionaire? Or maybe you were more of a Brady Bunch fan? Who would you have been Greg? Peter? Or Bobbie? I would love to play Carol Brady and have fun with my three boys! […]
October 14, 2009

They finally came

Oh I was so happy today when the UPS man pulled in the driveway…had to restock since I have used all my other diapers to diaper my little ones…they look oh so cute…I am sure they will fit you perfectly…so if you need a new diaper let me know…maybe we can spend some quality time getting to know each other and then making sure that all my little ones are diapered before bedtime….I have the nursery ready for all my little ones…..
October 11, 2009

So I’m spanking this little brat for getting into trouble AGAIN and between all his crying he manages to get out: “you’re mean, Mommy Lexus!” haha, did you think that was going to hurt my feelings? oh dear. No, sweetheart, I know I’m a bitch, but that’s what you need to relax. Until you learn to behave, I’m not getting any nicer. Call it negative reinforcement. If you want a sweet Mommy, behave. Simple as that. Ask the good abies around here. When you behave, I can be sweet like […]
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