October 11, 2009

Rise and Shine

Peek-a-boo! I see your head popping out of the covers. Time to rise and shine, and greet the day! Now let’s get breakfast in that tummy of yours, a clean diaper on that tushie, and put you in a fresh onsie. Isn’t that better? Now we’re ready to get on with the important business of the day – playing! Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
October 11, 2009

Meet Mrs. Pee and Mr. Poo

They are here to say hello to you, they are part of our everyday lives, they fill your diaper, with a big surprise. they play a very important role, they keep us healthy, and they most certainly never complain, but don’t every you worries, Cause Mommies love to change! Now just look at them, aren’t they sweet, like Mr and Mrs Clause, They bring us such a treat. Because bonding is what they bring, between Mommies and her babes, They work so hard to be on time, yet again they […]
October 11, 2009

Sissy Training

There is more to training a sissy then being harsh and doling out punishments. Although punishing a sissy is great fun, it need to be in balance with praise and affection. Otherwise what is the point? A Domme/Mommy should be strong in demeanor and never giving in. The sissy need guidance and needs to learn rules and proper ettiquette and what is expected of them at all times. Never left to become complacient or comfortable, keep them on their high heeled toes so to speak. I love sissies, I have […]
October 11, 2009

Baking Time

Fall and Winter are my favorite times of the years, summer can suck it! lol Anyway, one of the reasons that it is, that it seems like this is when Mom’s, Grandma’s, Sister’s, yadda yadda bake. There is nothing better, then being outside running around, having some fun in the cool crisp air, then coming into the house and being met by the awesome aroma of fresh cookies or pie or bread or cake or whatever. It’s the most comforting feeling in the world. Now usually when I bake my […]
October 10, 2009

Girl Lessons

One of the first “girl lessons” that mommy likes to give her sissy is how to shave properly. The assigment I recently gave included cherry blossom shaving gel and a pink razor. I directed my sissy as she soaked in a nice hot bath, smelling of lavender, how to shave her legs. it was her first time and I could hear the excitement in her voice as she got out and dried off. I then instructed her to use lotion and to slip into a pair of pantyhose. There is […]
October 8, 2009

Mommy’s costumed sissy

What a cute little costume. Some sissy would look very sexy as a little Eskimo cutie. I am in love with the velvet skater dress, the hood, the cute white boots, all of it. Just think of all of the compliments you would get if Mommy took you out in this. I’d take you to get your legs all nice and smooth, and to have your hair done just so. Then I would show you off to everyone.   Scarlet
October 7, 2009

Dont make me use this

Ok now that you know that I mean business…I told you to behave and listen to what I have told you to do…the paddle was not working so I had to step it up a notch…are you peeing your pants yet..oh I mean your diaper….you should be very afraid of me now…so listen to my rules and the whip will go away….
October 5, 2009

Let Me Plug You Up!

Roll over baby and let me in, I wanna play with that tight little man hole of yours. I wanna satisfy that urge you have. Isnt it lovely? Dont the pink at the tip remind you of my sweet pussy lips? Let me plug you up dear, let me play with that tight little ass of yours! Sara 1 888 430 2010
October 4, 2009

Time-Out Chair

Look what I just got for all my naughty, naughty boys! A special chair just for you. And I have a special place for it – right in the corner. Won’t eat your veggies? Talking back to Mommy Gina? Were you being mean to the other little boys on the playground? Then in the chair you will go! But before you end up in the chair, Mommy Gina will have to paddle that little hinnie of yours. So next time you think about being bad, just remember that you will […]
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