September 27, 2009

Wanted: Abie for a Good Home

Calling all little boys who want a mommy to take care of them. Mommy Gina knows just what you need. Come climb up on my lap and whisper in my ear your secrets. Were you a bad little boy? Do you have a boo-boo that Mommy Gina needs to kiss and make all better? Now don’t lie to me – or Mommy Gina will have to punish you. But if you’re a good boy. I’ll hold you close to my bosom and rock you gently. Do you have a favorite […]
September 26, 2009

Just Call Out Mommies Name…..

I love Carol King, and I love that song! Us Mommies love are abdl’s and try our best to be here for them when ever they come calling or Yahooing. So remember….Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall, all you have to do is call and we will be there…. well Mommy Sara doesn’t have the best voice. (singing voice that is) But you get the Picture *giggles* Love Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
September 25, 2009

Sissy Room

Wouldn’t you just love for this to be your room? Think of how much of a Princess you would feel like playing in this room every day. I really like the colors in here. I can see you and I sitting at the table having a tea party, dressed in our most fancy party attire. I love all things sissy, and I enjoy talking to all of you on the phone and having many wonderful adventures together. *smiles* Liz 1-888-430-2010
September 24, 2009

crossdressing secrets

A lot of you have dreamed of being caught just like this, or maybe in a diaper too. If I caught you and you started to cover up, the fun would just be starting. I would want to see all of your secret stash of diapers and panties along with everything else you had tucked away. Not all panty wearers are sissies and boys who like to dress in girly things at times are plenty of fun too. Scarlet
September 23, 2009

your doing great!!

ok we having been potty training for a while now and i told you if you dont wet your bed all week i would get you your own pair of big boy undies! well guess what i found some and they have your favorite animal on them …SHARKS! but just because i give you these that doesnt mean you can go back to pooping and peeing in your underwear. You need to let me know when you need to go ..ok? No accidents..I mean it for every accident you have […]
September 23, 2009

Mommies Time Out!

Some days Mommies need a time out too! Why you say? Just take a peek at what your Mommy does all day. Saving, scraping, scrubbing, changing, wiping, buying, stocking, bathing, rocking, sweeping, cooking, singing, watching, washing, wringing, knitting, spanking, nursing, loving, feeding, reading, writing, slaving, working, playing, shopping, baking, banking, wrapping, dressing, mowing, planting, planing, strolling, outings, checking, replying, screaming, chasing, beckoning, correcting, solving, whipping, soothing, dusting, mopping, pampering, praising, cheering, cleaning, keeping, sorting, kneading, teaching, listening, coaching, carrying, cuddling, protecting, scolding, preaching, disciplining, spoiling, training, dressing, helping, guiding, gluing, […]
September 23, 2009

Mommy likes diapers too

I love being a mommy. It have always had a nurturing side. But mommy has a naughty side to. And that naughty side loves the sexual aspect of diapers. I guess it started with how they feel against me, how wet they make me. But has grown into much more. Not everyone out there uses diapers in a sexual way. But for those of us that do,  know exactlyhow great it can be. Especially when it is still a new sensation. Diapers are better than any dildo I have tried. […]
September 23, 2009

Sourpuss Diaper Bag

Finally, a diaper bag that I actually like. It has everything I love, tats, skulls, zippers lol. No cutsie pootsie diaper bag for my baby, heck no, I want my little one on the cutting edge, unique, one in 33 billion. When I have a baby I am going to search high and low for one of a kind items that only he/she will have. No cookie cutter baby clothes, or cookie cutter stroller or anything like that. Speaking of strollers, I wonder if Ducati makes them. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
September 23, 2009

Give Me a Hug

Ok I need a hug…my favorite thing to do with all my little ones…have them snuggle up in my arms on my lap…next to my breast…oh sorry chest…lay their head on my shoulder and give them a big old squeeze…oh so nice…dont you need a hug…I know I need several each day….oh so warm and gentle…so sweet little one…you do such a good job in hugging mommy…XOXO
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