July 8, 2013

sissy diaperslave becca

My silly sissy diaperslave becca likes give me trouble such a naughty sissy she is she really needs my loving punishments! She bends over a chair for her beautiful strong phonemom and gets paddled while she recites my rules. Becca makes me wanna scream when she throws her fit in the middle of my party. I just can not fathom why she would ever act out like that stomping her feet and carrying on whining like she did. what is done is done though so I explain to her what […]
July 6, 2013

Diaper Changes

There is so many ways that we check diapers sometimes we automatically stick our hands down in those cute diapers without sniffing first and come out with a hand dirtier than it went in.But what the heck i sometimes enjoy checking those diapers but when my hand comes out with something on it i promise you there will be a price to pay and i don’t mean in money either.Whining doesn’t help neither does that sad face so what do you think should happen umm  well i think a nice […]
July 4, 2013

Daddy’s Lil Princess

Boy did I get in trouble the other day!  I was trying SO hard to be good, but I spilled my chocolate milk on the new carpet and Daddy got mad.  He’s told me and told me not to take my drinks in the room with the new carpet, but I snuck it in there anyway.  I was playing with my toys and knocked the cup right off the table, and milk went everywhere!  It was awful! Daddy came in and saw the stain and started to frown.  He asked […]
July 3, 2013

Sweet but Naughty ABDL Mommy

Are you looking for a sweet but naughty ABDL Mommy for some ABDL phone play? I’m a very naughty mommy that just loves to diaper her sweet baby boy up and get him smelling all sweet like baby powder. You work so hard all day, you deserve to be able to just relax and let someone else take charge when you get home. You can regress and be a little helpless baby boy with me. I’ll give you a nice warm bath, let you suckle at my titties and then snuggle […]
July 2, 2013

Mommy’s Sweet Sissy Stephie

I, of course, have the pleasure of taking care of and being a mommy to many adult babies. All kinds, boys and girls, naughty ABies and fussy ABies, sissy and sweet ABies. But I just wanted to take the time to talk about one of my very special little ones. My sweet little sissy Stephie. My little Stephie is an adorable little sissy and a true adult baby. Never potty trained, I know she will always be my sweet little diaper girl, always dependent on Mommy and her diapers. She’s […]
July 1, 2013

ABDL Nursery Remodel

I had quite an eventful week! One of my favorite abies gave me the opportunity to redecorate her abie nursery! Before I started it was so drab and boring. But now it is all full of pink frills and delicate lace! I must say it is a perfect abie nursery for my sweet little sissie adult baby. First I started with brand new white carpeting with pink polka dots. Of course the walls had to match, so I used a shade of pink paint called “sissy pink”. When selecting furniture […]
June 28, 2013

Mommy will show you who’s in charge

Remember yesterday, when I gave you one simple assignment? Well, your deadline is here, and it seems you couldn’t accomplish the one little task that Mommy assigned you. Mommy’s instructions were very clear. All you had to do was dress up as pretty as possible, and take a picture of yourself holding a sign that said “Mommy Sara Madison owns me”. I told you that the pictures were to be very clear so that I could see your blushing sissy face. You were warned that if I did not receive […]
June 28, 2013

Back in diapers you go sissybaby

Back in diapers you go sissy you know better then to make a mess while I am in the store  shopping! You will just stay in that messy,stinky diaper that should fix that attitude you sissy slut. I will make sure you wear the pink frilly dress that I picked out to your friend’s house. I am sure he will call you all kind’s of naughty names and he might even tell his mean friends to spank you with shoes and  sticks. Do not tell me again how you are […]
June 26, 2013

naughtyab punishments

Very naughty ab you should not have been fibbing to your phonemommy. You know better, now it is just too late to apologize for your misbehaviours. Punishment time has come and I will decide just what crop I want to use on that devious ass of yours taking naked pictures of me while I am getting ready for my bath will not be tolerated you have been told time and time again about respecting my privacy maybe after a severe spanking you will think twice about repeating your actions. What […]
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