August 26, 2009

Nighty Night Time for Baby Sometimes baby is sick and needs mommy to help sooth baby at bedtime. A crying baby just breaks my heart and a fussy baby needs help to relax and fall into a safe, peaceful sleep. There’s nothing like the calming sound of lullabies to help baby relax and go to sleep. And the familiar, reassuring sound of a mother’s heartbeat is known to have a restful effect, too. When baby experiences separation anxiety at bedtime, playing lullaby music can help settle baby down for sleeping. Mommy Lexus 1 888 […]
August 19, 2009


To all those that need to share a special time or event that might have happened to you over the last few days. Well I am here and willing to listen and give you lots of good advice.
August 18, 2009

I Can Wear A Rainbow

Looks at all dez pretty diapies!  It’s a rainbow of softness!  Me wants somes.  *giggles*  Does anyone have diapies like dez? Please tells mes where yous gots dem. Snugglie and Huggies Cali 1-888-430-2010
August 18, 2009

I saw you

That’s right, I saw you pulling a diaper out from under your bed. I saw you put it on, and I saw just how much it turned you on. And now, I’m going to tell! What’s that? You want me to keep your secret? Well then you better do exactly what I say exactly when I say it. So give your Step Sister Mandy a call. NOW! Or I’ll tell the whole world what I saw you doing. 1-888-430-2010 Mandy
August 15, 2009

Come play dress-up with mommy

Mommy went shopping! Her shopping bags are overflowing with pretty little dresses and pinafores, and she needs some sweet little sissy girls to play dress-up with. Will you come play with Mommy Shirley? We could have soooo much fun!! Hugs and kisses, sweeties! Love, Mommy Shirley 1-888-430-2010
August 12, 2009


Just wanted to let all my AB/DL’s know that I am here to help you out and make you feel better. Maybe you need a changing, feeding time or maybe just a relaxing rock to sleep in my oversize rocker. Take care and I am thinking about you.
August 6, 2009

Happy Thursday!!

Wishing all my darling abies out there a wonderful & special fun filled day. Mommy Lauren is always here for you when you are ready to come play. Kisses & Hugs, Lauren
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