June 9, 2013

Diaper loving mom

Diaper loving mom is such a sexy lady with big milk filled breast’s loves to change and wipe your bottom with abie wipes nice and long. What exciting day’s I have cleaning up messy hands and kissing your owie’s all better! Sweet and fiesty you look up at me from the big changing table as I make you clean and dry Mommy just enjoy’s changing your diedie. Giving you a baba too is such a gift. Just the cooing and oohing of your abie speak makes me grin from cheek […]
June 9, 2013

Boobie Baby

Always grabbing at the ladies boobs as they pass by you nothing i do makes you stop so now the ladies in question that has to put up with you grabbing them will be forewarned.Every time you leave this house you will wear this adorable and cute outfit.Then the ladies will see you coming way ahead of time.This Boobs baby tee-shirt says it all don’t you  think because you are a very naughty one this will suit you quite nicely.Seems like you would get tired of getting that face slapped […]
June 7, 2013

Mommy Gets a New Baby Girl

Timmy, my 15 year old son had known how sad Mommy had been because I was never able to have a baby girl. Some one I could dress in pretty things, gossip about boys with, and pass on all my beauty secrets to. After much thought, I devised a plan that would show my boy how he could make me feel better. I had went shopping all day, and it must have been kismet,  because I was able to find everything I needed for my new little girl all in his size! […]
June 5, 2013

Simon Says

Last night at bedtime you were such a naughty little aby. You ran around the house with mommy chasing you to get you into bed, it was time for sleeping but you decided it was time to play a game with mommy. At first I wasn’t upset and played along with you but then you didn’t stop you continued so mommy had to teach you a lesson. You watched as mommy went into her room and appeared again with paddle in hand, you had a sly little grin on your […]
June 4, 2013

Staying with Granny

I got in some trouble… again. I went to stay with Granny Minnie for a day ‘cause Daddy said I couldn’t be trusted to stay by myself. Hmmph! I’m a babysitter, I don’t need a babysitter! But anyway, Daddy didn’t care about that, so off I went with Granny. I thought it would be easy and fun. I thought Granny would let me do whatever I wanted and spoil me. I thought I could get away with anything. Boy, was I wrong! Granny made me help her in the garden […]
June 3, 2013

Such a Little Crybaby!

Go ahead and keep crying like a sissy! I told you what would happen if you couldn’t act like a big boi, so don’t even start this crying and begging nonsense! If you can’t be a big boi for Nanny, then you’ll be my little girl. No! No sense crying and trying to look pitiful, you were warned and chose not to listen. Nanny has rules, and you have to obey them without question. There now, take a deep breath, dry your eyes and listen to Nanny. Bring your weepy […]
June 3, 2013

Shopping for a sissy baby is hard work

    Shopping for sissy baby with Mistress Mommy  Veronika  what a day we had! My name is sissy Angelica and my Mommy veronika is one of the very best at picking out  really pretty pink dress’s for me I get so excited when she calls to pick me up I wet and mess in my adult baby diapers  before she even gets there.  Mistress Veronika get’s very disappointed when she  come’s and knocks on my door and she has to change  my diaper before we even get to go for […]
May 31, 2013

Out of Control ABie

I had a very naughty abie to tend to today. Oh my goodness. He was left with a sitter and decided to be as mischievous as possible. I told him that IF he could be good for he would get a story at the end of the night. Miss Samantha even brought over his favorite book from her house. Did he behave? No. Then after a fit, and one problem after another he had the nerve to demand a story – silly, silly belligerent ABie. He has never treated her […]
May 31, 2013

My Beautiful Darling

Mommy just LOVES how darling you look in your new dress! I just know that if we had a PhoneAMommy Sissy Beauty Pageant, you’d win for sure! Look how pretty your wavy hair slides over the fabric of your darling blue dress! I could just scoop you up and kiss you all over, my delicious little sissy! I love how big the ruffles make your diaper look, and how chubby your little legs are. I could just eat you up, cupcake! Would you like to go to town with Mommy? […]
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