April 8, 2013

adult diaper play

    Adult diaper play In an abie nursery you find a big blanket and a cushy diaper just waiting for you. On the changing table you go with that messy diaper whew! makes mommy hold her nose. Sliding that stinky diaper off I wipe you up and down with abie wipes and I slip a fresh diaper under  your bottom then pull the diaper tapes to the sides. You are now ready to have some mommy milk  this is definitely one of your fave parts of being babied! Mommy […]
April 7, 2013

Diaper Change Humiliation

Last time I was your sitter and I brought you to the mall with me you begged and begged to wear big boy underwear. Well you remember what happened don’t you? You made a big nasty mess in your pants, and I had to leave the mall early. We both know that is just not acceptable, that’s why I had to get you all diapered for our little trip today. Now you just keep quiet while I shop for intimates hehe! You just keep your hands to yourself and behave […]
April 6, 2013

Mommy Is Waiting

Robin here! I am one horny lil mommy, ready for you in the world of no taboo! My friends all say I have the  sweetest voice on the phone and the fact that I am not shy about sex or saying what’s on my mind makes me a good fit here at Phoneamommy. I love playing with my little sissy sluts and want to be bad, maybe bad enough to make you blush. I was always a girl who wanted to know how things worked and always explored the internet […]
April 4, 2013

The Deconstruction of a Diaper Wearing Adult-Baby

Now I realize that you look upon yourself as a man’s man – a man who commands respect of all those around you, having prestige and power and making decisions effecting all those around you.  But let’s take a closer look at that analogy, shall we?  You may see a man with many responsibilities when you look in the mirror, but I see the truth; I see a diaper wearing Adult Baby.  So let’s make a few comparisons and see who is right, shall we?   Does a man’s man […]
April 1, 2013

Easter Abby?

AWW YAY! My little abdl boi T got to see the easter bunny yesterday. We went hunting for eggs and he found so mant he needed a second basket! After that I told him to be a good boi and not be greedy and let the other abdl lovers have a chance at some egg hunting too. Ava 888*430*2010  
April 1, 2013

rock a bye abie

Having the most fun ever with your phonemommy consists of 1-listening very intently to her rules. 2-Giving her anything & everything she needs from you. Above all make absolute sure that you smile while you are with your mommy even if that means keeping your ab diaper filled or dry. Never forget if you give your phonemommy a great time then she will give you that in return. Sweet adult baby would look even better in mommy’s arm’s right now being rocked to sleep. Carefully mommy would wrap you in […]
March 31, 2013

Mommy Nurse Betty

Uh-oh… I have a sick little adult baby on my hands. My poor sweet little one woke me up in the night, crawling into my bed with a fever. Oh his sweet little face when he said, “Mommy I don’t feels good,” just about melted me heart. I pulled him close to me and comforted him, “It’s ok honey, Mommy knows just how to take care of you baby.” And of course I do, being a Mommy and a nurse, I’ve learned just about every trick in the book! I […]
March 31, 2013

Pink Shoes

Baby girl just had to try on my Pink Shoes but they were a perfect fit for the baby girl i was so surprised she danced all over the floor showing off that she could wear grandma’s shoes we laughed and danced together we had so much fun but then it was time for a diaper change and that baby girl really looks forward to having that done.Well sometimes she does then there is times that she likes to play this game of hide and seek then i close my […]
March 28, 2013

Happy Egg Day

Just wanted to wish all my adult babies, sissies, and diaper lovers out there a Happy Easter, and give you a little reminder – don’t forget to double check those Easter eggs!  Don’t want a bunch of tye-dyed, hippie type chicks running around, do we?  Next thing ya know there’s a funny smell coming from the coop, and a bunch of chickens running around with a severe case of the munchies, scratching “make love, not omelets” in the dirt.  NOT something you want to witness, trust me, hehe!!  Well anyways […]
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