March 25, 2013

diapers and bondage

  Diapers and bondage Little baby bunting  Mommy’s gone hunting  for some diaper locks with shackles and chains  to put my naughty baby in. Mommy saw you looking at the diaper girls with no tops on Bad boy! You know what happens now  your punishment is to not be able to touch that dirty little peepee! Now maybe you will respect your powerful mommy before you  go around being a little perverted dirty thing! Veronika 1*888*430*2010
March 25, 2013

tommy tit sucker

  Tommy tit sucker loves to suckle at mommy’s big nipples . He gets very excited thinking about just how wet mommy’s sweet spot gets when he is at her breast. Not too much teeth Tommy tit sucker! you can injure mommy then where will you get your milk? uh oh, you would be lost without my big round nipples I bet? Dirty little abie thinking about mommy soaping up her boobs in her bubble bath while you are outside the window peeping at her. Yes I know your deep,dark […]
March 25, 2013

I’m A Bad Piece Of Candy

    Something tells me my ABDL phone sex aby needs a bath. I smell something stinky and I’ve checked everywhere and the smell seems to have led back to you mister. What’s up with that?  Guess we’ll have to find out huh? Alright well the first thing Mommy wants you to do is get out of those dirty clothes. Drop those pants. Oh my the smell is getting stronger. Did you poop your pants? I think you did omg. Ew that is nasty. You are such a naughty boi […]
March 24, 2013

Easter Dress!

Guess what, guess what, guess what!!!! Did ya guess?!? I got my pretty new Easter Dress!! Getting pretty new dresses is always one of my very favorite parts of holidays since I love shopping so much!! And Daddy said that since I was a good girl for most of the time that my special Uncle came to visit, I could pick any dress that I wanted. I picked the prettiest light purple dress ‘cause purples my favoritest color AND it’s a pretty Easter color!! It has a swooshy full skirt […]
March 24, 2013

Learning Lessons

I’ve told you about a ten times that you need to keep your bedroom tidy! And we both know that I do NOT like to repeat myself. In fact, normally I don’t. But you said “Please Mommy,” “I’m sorry, Mommy,” “I promise I’m gonna get it done right now, Mommy,” and now here we are. Toys all over the floor, baby blankets all rumpled up everywhere. I just don’t know what I’m going to do with you. Don’t you start with me now – no, no, no. There’s no time […]
March 22, 2013

The Rules of Chocolate

In honor of the Easter Bunny coming with a basket full of yummy chocolates, I thought I would post some fun rules as they pertain to said chocolate.  So without further ado, I bring you…. THE RULES OF CHOCOLATE: If you get melted chocolate all over your hands, you’re eating it too slowly. Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices and strawberries all count as fruit, so eat as many as you want. The problem: How to get two pounds of chocolate home from the store in a hot car. The […]
March 18, 2013

abie breastfeeding mommy

abie breastfeeding mommy When he comes over in his trench coat & diaper he is always eager to suckle at my round milk engorged nipples. I put on my special nursing bra that has openings where my nipples are so abie can get right to them when ever he nees too. He gets such a big smile on his face when he gets ready to have his Mommy milk time. He latches right on with his fingers caressing my breast giving me little quivers in my panties as he starts […]
March 17, 2013

Mean Mommy

You think i am such a sweet mommy don;t you but you soon find out that is not the case.Dropped off thinking that you would get to do anything and whatever you want right guess what you are very wrong and soon find that out.When left in the care of Victoria its over the knee spankings,left in wet diapers or messy if i desire not too thrilled at changing messy ones so i guess that will stay on you until your other mommy or granny shows up.Diaper rash pfft you […]
March 16, 2013

Pretty Pink Toes

Obviously I’m the cutest Princess in the whole world, from my pretty silky hair, all the way down to my adorable little toes! So of course my sweet lil toes need to be worshipped just like the rest of me. That means that today we get to play a special game while I babysit you… its called Princess Pedicure Time!! I get to sit back and get nice a cozy while you get to work on my tootsies. Soak them in a warm bubble bath, but it better not be […]
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