March 15, 2013

Pretty Sissy

I love taking my little sissy out dress shopping – especially for her special Easter dress.  Now the stores are always filled with such pretty, frilly dresses that it’s hard to pick just one for Easter Sunday – so naturally I always end up getting two or three sissy dresses.  And of course what’s the point of splurging on all those ruffle-y sissy dresses if we don’t have a mini fashion show, hehehe.  Mind you, her little Easter outfits aren’t complete until I have her bottom thickly diapered and darning […]
March 12, 2013

Back in Diapers

There was this little tiny fellow that loved wearing his big boy underwear so much,because it made him feel so big and important but thing was he just couldn’t make to the big boy potty in time he was always wetting his big boy underwear i kept warning him time and time again but he just didn’t or wouldn’t listen to me.I told him one more time and it was back to diapers for him. So out to play he goes i am watching from my kitchen window as he […]
March 11, 2013

Diaper Loving Mommy

He insisted he was a big boy until the accidents started happening again. I was almost sure our potty training phone sex was working. I noticed the smell when I cleaned his sheets. He promised it wouldn’t happen again but it continued on. So you know what I did? I put him back in diapers. He fought at first, not wanting to be treated like such an aby. But after a couple minutes I noticed he started enjoying it. He even told me he likes the way the diaper crinkles […]
March 11, 2013

Sissy boy training

   The Sissy boy training start’s  now. Silly little sissy you do not have any need of big boy clothes, I have great plans for  all the changes that will forced upon you.  No going in the toilet that is off limits for you diapers only.  Look in the mirror as I get you ready for our day.  Standing in your diaper & panties you feel like you should make a big mess for me to  clean you up. That would not be wise until I give you permission to […]
March 11, 2013

adult breastfeeding fantasy

Adult breastfeeding fantasy Little Scotty loves when he goes out to the club & finds a big breasted,slutty blond to take to the bathroom, pull out his little diaper bag slips his diaper on & waits hungrily for his mommy of the night. He asks that slut to pull her top open,she does & her breasts leap from her top Scotty, pounces on her pushing her against the wall as his lips wrap around each nipple suckling. His hard bulge in his diaper pushes into slut’s thigh making her moan […]
March 10, 2013

Diaper Love

There are so many things that I love about wearing adult diapers! Lotsa times when I talk to someone who is just getting into being an adult baby, or just starting wearing diapers, they have all kindsa questions. Like whats so great about wearing diapers and being a babie, how I started wearing diapers, stuff like that. So I figured I’d just answer some of those questions! First of all, bein’ a babie is so nice ‘cause you don’t have to worry about things! You have your mommy or daddy […]
March 9, 2013

Surprise Sissy Baby Make Over

I love surprising someone when I inform them of their new role of not just an abie, but of a sissy baby! I tell them that they are the guest of honor at a baby shower, and lead them to their newly decorated nursery, complete with a pink crib and all the frilly trimmings! They have the most cutest, dumbfounded looks on their faces when they realize that this is going to be their new life, hehe. I just pat them on their heads, take them by the hand, and […]
March 8, 2013

Poop Happens

Hi Babies!!! You know I love to change diapers, especially when Poop Happens. You can all be so good, and when you are I’ll give you some milk. And Guess what happens next? I will lay you down on my special pink mat, the one for the good little ABys, and I’ll pull off each side of your diaper and wipe away the stinky mess you’ve made. I know that Poop Happens, and I like that. Especially when I get to change my little babies, because they can’t help it, […]
March 6, 2013

Diaper Change

Diaper change is what your wanting but why would you want it changed doesn’t it feel so much better all messy and wet.I know you enjoy the feel of it when you get it that way.And then you still come crying oh please please change my diaper and i will keep telling you its not time yet. And yet you think it is but its not time you haven’t had the diaper on long enough not nearly long enough i told you when i changed it yesterday that you would […]
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