February 23, 2013

Trouble at Daycare

Everyone knows how much I love to play show and tell! It’s just so much fun getting to see what the other adult babies have under their diapeys, and I love all the attention I get when I show them what I have. But I ended up getting myself into a teeny bitty bit of trouble when I was at daycare today. It was naptime and I couldn’t get sleepy, so I crawled behind some tables where two adult baby boys were playing and whispering. When I asked what they […]
February 21, 2013

Taboo Phone Play: Just a Peek

Mommy sees how curious you are getting about your changing body…about girls and how they are different from boys.  I’ve seen you trying to sneak a peek down my blouse or under my dress when I bend over…honestly it gives me a little tickle, hehe.  So when I catch you trying to sneak a peek at me, I confront you; instead of getting angry, I ask you if you would like to take a peek and see how mommies are different from little boys (after all, if it isn’t up […]
February 21, 2013

Easter Bunny

Now isn’t this the cutest thing sissy B wanted to show me how cute and adorable he is dressed as the Easter bunny not sure if he sees how much of a sissy he is.Sissy B loves to be laughed and made fun of so that is just what i do to him loves to be made to go out in the public dressed up as the sissy he really is even though he says he isn’t.Hate to tell him but i do believe he is a pure breed sissy […]
February 18, 2013

regressed into pampers

He was such a secret adult baby he has needs to be regressed into pampers. He came home and as soon as he got to the kitchen I was waiting for him with a fresh diaper in hand and my magic shrinking dust. I said my special words and he started to shrink,he clothes were so so big on him I could tell he was scared at first but then he started to coo and gurgle and everything was much easier. I picked him and slipped his soft cushy pampers […]
February 15, 2013

How Many Diapers…

Sometimes one adult diaper just doesn’t cut it. Of course so many of my adult babies require diapering so as not to make a mess on Mommy’s carpet and furniture, but in many cases it becomes necessary to take greater precautions. The first option many jump to is the plastic diaper cover, or panty. While I would agree that plastic panties are a good solution, as long as they’re a good quality panty, I think we should all just take a second to consider the benefits of just a couple […]
February 14, 2013

Sitter Jenna

  Listen up adult babies; today Babysitter Jenna is in charge. Your mommy and daddy went off somewhere for the whooooole night. That means from now to when you go to bed, to the time you get up in the morning I am the boss and everything I say goes!! I always have mommies and daddies asking me to be a sitter for their adult babies, that’s because they know that when I’m the sitter, you dumb ABies are gonna get away with anything! What your mommies and daddies don’t […]
February 14, 2013

To all my Sissies, Diaper Lovers, and Abies Alike

Today is a day to let that special someone (or someones) in your life know what they mean to you.  And I am no exception!  I love being a mommy and taking care of all my special little ones, and I wanted to let all of you know how near and dear I hold every single one of you in my heart. You bring this mommy so much joy and happiness, giggles and laughs, as well as challenges and dilemmas.  And through it all I wouldn’t trade one single minute […]
February 11, 2013


  Sissybitch dressed in your frilly little dress, don’t you think it is best to impress your mistress? Maybe if you are lucky you won’t be punished tonight we will see just how obedient you are. Get on your knees spread them thighs real wide that is right you know what comes next grab your ass cheeks  and no clenching while I shove this big black dildo in that tender pink hole! Oh no you don’t quit your whimpering right this minute or I will give you something even harder […]
February 11, 2013

diapergirl addiction

  A diapergirl addiction is what you got! Can you go an hour with out looking at that soft cushy girl bottom? I do not think you have it in you to stop thinking of new ways to watch your young neighbor girl do her yoga in that skimpy clothing imagining she is in nothing but a cushy pink diaper with her round nipples pointing right toward you. Think she is begging you to come suckle at them pink nipples of hers or do you wanna take her over your […]
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