January 6, 2013

Forced into a diaper at gun point? Well that’s one way to do it,lol! I have lots of ideas on how to get you into those diapers and doing whatever I say. They vary from the sensual side to the more…violent side,heehee. Just depends on how far you want to go. I prefer coercion. But if you don;t want to play nice then the diaper Domme side of me may just have to make an appearance. Does that get your attention now? Why yes, I think it does. I have […]
January 5, 2013

Lap Time

Come on you know its lap time i see you looking so sad and lonely crawling across that floor on those knees and hands.I know how much you love cuddling in my lap and me rocking you to sleep or just humming just a odd tune or two.So come on baby i know its that cuddle fetish is working over time tonight Minnie will change that wet diaper and put you in a nice dry one and cuddle you really close to me.That’s it pick up time for you lol […]
January 5, 2013

Diaper Fetish

It never surprises me how many people really enjoy the diaper fetish. There is something so naturally wonderful about changing someone in diapers. It is just a hot process where we can totally connect and I love how turned on you get from all the processes. It is so much more than just wearing them and I can always spot someone who is into the lifestyle because they revel in every step, every nuance. You know that, my diaper lover. You know the first time you ever bought diapers. You […]
January 5, 2013

adult nursery mommy

I am a loving,sweet adult nursery mommywho really enjoys caring for all my abdl little one’s. You can come into my nursery to play or to be played with all depends on what you like for the time you are with me. I will have a lot of diapers to change and keep you fresh in. Big comfy cribs and high chairs. Paci’s galore and the more the merrier bring your friends, bring your friend’s friend’s too. There is plenty of play room I have a number of blankies all […]
December 31, 2012

Abie new years for diaper slaves

Its that time of year again, Abie new years. I bet you think that you are gonna finally get something accomplished  this year will be so much better than the last. Guess again your so pathetic you will fall right back into your  very bad habits of never following through with anything & being a lazy boring whore of a diaper slave! You get your pretty knickers out now and plan for all your dirty deeds you will get yourself suckered into  for this drunken,debauchery of a holiday. I will […]
December 31, 2012

diaperdomination with nightmare mommy

diaper domination starts of slowly at first. The big guy clothing gets small and you start to shrink becoming more and more helpless, Then the real scary nightmare strict mommy comes out. Forcing you to fill your diaper in front of all her pretty, young friends. Naughty bad things might happen if you do not follow all my rules. You know it gets real hard to control your little peepee when you are in that nice squishy diaper. It is so much fun to put your had down there is’nt […]
December 31, 2012

Diaper Talk

I love talking to other ABies on the phone about wearing diapers and what we like to do in our diapers. The other day I talked to a cute ABy boi who wanted to have a little talk about diapers. As it turned out, we both had to tinkle! We took turns going in our diapers while the other listened. He went first and I loved hearing his little sighs as he let himself go in his diaper. When it was my turn it felt soooo good because I like […]
December 31, 2012

Love The Holidays!

Did all my roleplay phone sex callers have a good Christmas this year? Did Santa give you all of your gifts on your Christmas list? Well I sure hope so. Unless you’ve been a naughty boy this year? *giggle* Well we’ll just have to see. So what did you do for Christmas? Mommy Candy curled up on the couch by her fireplace and watched Christmas movies all day. Pretty much what I do every Christmas. Maybe one of you kinky phone sex lover’s story is better? Mommy Candy wants to […]
December 29, 2012

A Wish

Did you wish for something so extra special for Christmas got up that snowy morning looking forward to opening those gifts but the one thing you wished for wasn’t there.Well i am here to tell you why it wasn’t there that is because you have been a very naughty boi this year didn’t do what Victoria told you to.Like when i said you were to wear the sissy outfit to the office and didn’t.Oh i know you didn’t think i would find out hmm too bad i did. So tell […]
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