January 31, 2014

Diaper Punishment: If You Wear it You Must Use It

You think to yourself, “Well I suppose this isn’t too bad…” as you get used to the feeling of a diaper encapsulating your derrière, your weewee. You think back as to how you came to be in this predicament…   You remember the look of exasperation on my face as I chastise you for the latest offense among a long list of past transgressions.  You remember how my face transformed from one of furry to one of almost sadistic satisfaction.  You thought I was joking when I had said that […]
January 27, 2014

dommy dungeon

This is the dommy dungeon a place where question’s will not be tolerated.You are thickly diapered as you enter seeing the delight’s of a strict caring mommy you go right for the nipple nursery . Suckling on the mammoth boob’s you coo and ahh with joy, I sneak up behind you ripping that thick diaper off mercilessly I spank you and inform you did not as k permission to start suckling. Naughty Naughty I scold you as you try to cover you bare red ass with you hand that will not keep me from […]
January 25, 2014

Sensual Spankings

I love spankings – to give and on occasion, to receive. But mostly giving them brings me great joy. One of my favorite fantasies is to be the mean, but yet very hot, next door neighbor. You are too old for a babysitter but, your parents are going away for the weekend and cannot trust you alone in the house. So guess what? They send you over to my house. No, I do not tolerate mischievous boys well. And I let it be known that I am not going to […]
January 21, 2014

adult baby punishment

I am an adult baby mommy and at time’s I have to give out punishment when little one does not do what he is told. He just will not stop being where he is not supposed to be I found him out of his diaper and in my powder room what a stinker. He was swatted right on the ass for being in my powder room and getting into all my sex toy’s, he even tried to play by putting it in his diaper. He got the ruler and next […]
January 20, 2014

Have you ever wonder what it would be like, to spend time with Mommy Lauren at the pool? There is nothing sweeter than Mommy Lauren spending sensual quality time with her Aby on a such beautiful day. Don’t you agree? Have you ever noticed mommy’s luxurious body, in that sexy red G-String swim suite? I bet you get aroused when you see Mommy Lauren soaking wet, don’t you? Don’t act like I never noticed you admiring my huge breast. I can tell in your eyes you just want to crawl […]
January 20, 2014

You know who’s in charge.

So what is it about submitting to this phone sex Mistress that gets you off so much? Is it the fact I know how to completely strip your dominance from you and leave you with nothing? Do you like me controlling you? Because when you’re with me there is no such thing as free will. You have no use in making your own decisions when I will be the one making them for you. Okay, now that we’re on the same page as one another, I have a task for […]
January 19, 2014

My sweet baby Aby

Nothing pleases Mommy Lauren, than having my baby Aby crawl on my lap while coddling with mommy. When your hungry and need to feed, mommy’s tender huge breast are there for you to start suckling on. Yes my sweet Aby drink that warm milk, while mommy is changing you. Nothing sweeter than having mommy’s Sissy-Aby on mommy’s lap looking so adorable in frilly pink socks and the pretty lace dress that mommy has bought just for you. My sweet baby Aby, don’t you love it when mommy spoils you? I […]
January 17, 2014

Take Your Medicine

Ya know, sometimes I have an ABie that just doesn’t want to listen and do as they are told.  They whine or do naughty things or have themselves a little temper tantrum.  This I simply won’t put up with.   Of course this lands them over my knee for a swift and harsh spanking.  But that’s not all – oh noooo.  Afterwards it’s time for them to take their medicine: a very large dose of castor oil.  Then I just sit back and watch the “medicine” do its work.  I watch […]
January 13, 2014

adult baby nursing titty's

  You are such a  big ab aren’t you?  Like suckling titty while you play with you fat little toe’s, Mistress mommy know’s what you need what thrill’s you. Your diaper is very thick did you already wet ? Such a messy little shit! Mommy has so much work to do and then you pile on a dirty diaper  what is wrong with playing quietly while I finish my tv show? Here we go now you will sit quietly as I get your diaper and wipes and  powder ,lay back and […]
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