December 3, 2012


I love this time of the year! I love the pretty lights and all the decorations, and I really love getting lots of presents hehehe! Since we have lots of places to go over the holidays and lots of fun stuff to do, Daddy said we had to go shopping for dresses. Guess what?! I LOOOVE shopping for pretty dresses!!!! We went to the big mall in town and went to my favorite store. I got to pick out lots and lots of pretty dresses and we went into the […]
December 2, 2012

You have been watching me for awhile. Maybe I work at the corner store or coffee shop. Maybe you have some college classes with me. Whatever the case, you have noticed. You have seen the tell tale bulge under my pants that seem a little too big for my size. And then one day, I come in wearing a skirt that is awfully puffed up in back. Could that be? You have been dreaming and fantasizing ever since the first day you noticed. And what you don’t realize is I […]
November 30, 2012

Journey to Dream Land

It’s bed time, time to drift off into dream land, but first Mommy has to get you ready. Hold onto Mommies shoulder, and put your little feet in these warm soft jammies, that’s it, hold on tight so you don’t fall, but no worries, if you do Mommy will always be there to catch you. Ok my sweet baby, time to cuddle on Mommies lap, and let me read you a bed time story, while you latch onto my soft full breast, and fill that little tummy up with Mommy’s […]
November 30, 2012

Candy Lover

Are you a candy lover i just bet you are i found the best place to get that candy lovers fix.Maybe i just might share my chocolate candy with you.That’s if you are a really good boi i heard from a reliable source that you are a big fan of chocolate. Chocolate taste so good it slides down that throat of yours hitting all the right spots as it slides down.Want to taste my candy i can see it in your eyes,drooling at the mouth but i am not sure […]
November 26, 2012

Sweet Feet

I take excellent care of every inch of my body. Cleansing, scrubbing, moisturizing, brushing, and buffing each and every little bit. There are two parts that I’m particularly proud of – my hair, I challenge you to find a woman in Texas, or any other state for that matter, with better hair than mine, and my cute, sexy, soft feet! I soak my feet in sweet perfumed sudsy hot water and scrub and smoothe all over. When I have one of my sissies available to me I have them massage […]
November 25, 2012

kink phonesex

What is you most favorite way to spend an entertaining night, mine is definitely having Kink phonesex while cuddling my teddy bear while I wear a really thick ,cushy diaper. I can just see you in your house all dressed up just for me in your sissy boy clothing,relaxing in your diaper. Take your time thinking about your Abdl mommy vaccuming topless with her big mommy milk filled tits in full mouth watering view. Getting thirsty I bet aren’t you? Maybe if you are a good sissy boi I will […]
November 25, 2012

Mommy wears diapers too

Yes that’s right. Mommy loves her diapers too. I am an AB Mommy and diaper lover myself. I love to share diaper time with all my little ones. Sometimes it is good for AB to learn to share and have his turn taking care of mommy’s bottom too. We can wear our diapers out together, listening to that tell tale crinkle underneath our clothes. I Love talking about diapers. What brands we use, what we do in our diapers, how long we have worn and how often. I f you […]
November 23, 2012

Enema for the Holidays

Did everyone enjoy their Thanksgiving!  I hope so.  Sometimes I have a very…unusual thought process.  Take for example this: as I was stuffing the thanksgiving bird, I was wondering – what if instead of stuffing a turkey, I was stuffing another type of white meat, hehe?  I would have buttered and oiled my little apprehensive morsel (namely you 😉 ).  And of course, I would have had to clean out the inner cavity and bowels properly, which means a very strong and effective enema.  I would tuck your knees under […]
November 20, 2012

Happy Holiday

Hope everyone has the most awesome Thanksgiving there is so many ways of celebrating this day and i hope everyone does that.Be thankful for what you have not what you want dear diaper abies. If on this day you get to feeling lonely and sad no worries we ladies will be here to cheer you up. You can always come into the classroom and help clean up the messes that i know will be left for me But when school is in session no worries those naughty students that left […]
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