November 19, 2012

Bad abie

“Bad abie, you sure know how to misbehave taking your bottle & squirting it all over that horny mommy! I think you need some harsh punishment ,if you are lucky maybe that milk drenched lady will put you over her knee and spank you good and hard. Bet you would really like that getting closer to that lady. She could take you home and change your messy diapers. take you to shop for new abie clothes and she could buy you all the rattles,toy animals and teddy bears you could […]
November 19, 2012

Holiday Tunes!

Jingle bells, Your diaper smells, It smells really bad!   I‘d change it for you, But Mommy doesn’t want to smell like poo And besides I just did my nails! Mommy Candy loves making little tunes and poems to make adult baby phone sex just that more entertaining! Nothings better than a clean bottom after a messy diaper, unless that is, you can make it rhyme! Do you have a favorite tune you want Mommy Candy to write for you? I’ll adult-babify it all the way!  Well, until next time […]
November 18, 2012

Public Spanking

I got in soooo much trouble this week! I was at the grocery store with daddy doing some shopping and I did a bad bad thing! Before we even got in the car daddy told me that I better behave myself or he was gonna have to punish me. He said that meant no begging for treats or throwing tantrums. When we got to the store I tried to be a good girl, I really did! But sometimes its just too hard! I got daddy to buy me ice cream […]
November 18, 2012

Lactation fetish~ At Mommy's breast

~One of the things that Mommy enjoys the most out of all the things I do with my Abies is breast feeding. It is such a special time to spend with my special boy. nothing is more intimate that to have you in my arms, suckling at Mommy’s breast.~ Come crawl up in Mommy’s lap AB boy. It is time for ABie to drink down some of Mommy’s nice warm milk. I will lay you back as I open my nursing bra, cradling you in my arms. Get ready and […]
November 18, 2012

sissy boys bow before your mistress

The Mistress of supreme femdom power commands all sissy boys have to bow before her. One such sissy boy tried to defy me and he got his ass handled very quickly I laid him out and flogged his ass till he begged me to stop and he would never misbehave again. silly little sissy boy, you can not help but tremble in the awe of my domination. Heed my rules without question and you will be much happier. You are no longer given permission to make eye contact so be […]
November 15, 2012

Dommy Mommy

You love it when this Dommy Mommy scolds you tells you what a bad boi you have been then turns that naked butt up in the air for all to see and wham bam spanks it really good making it a bright cherry red.Now you know this will always be done in public i am not going to punish you in private don’t you.I love doing the public humiliation on you because it is so much more effective especially when i get thru and turn you loose with tears running […]
November 14, 2012

Adult Baby Feedings

You will eat what I tell you to eat….or else…   When I have an adult baby under my care, I like to make him sit in his high chair with no shirt, no shoes or booties, with just a diaper and a bib on… No talking little one – if you behave yourself and be a good Abie and do as you are told, than your AB/DL Mommy will make you something yummy to eat – mashed bananas, blueberry cobbler, and maybe some pudding… would you like that?  I […]
November 12, 2012

Breasts and thighs abie’s toys

Breast’s and thigh’s are abie’s toys momma loves her abie boy! Just loves to bounce you on her knee & smile as you say “wee” What a good abie you are playing with your toy cars quietly while mommy watched her movie. Oh Mommy know’s what that face you are making over there means its time for you to wet your diapee! Ok , mommy is gonna hold your hand, you can squeeze it as hard as you need to mommy will not mind. Mommy is here to help you […]
November 11, 2012

Mommy fantasies

The ultimate in phone fetish conversation. Have you been dreaming of what it would be like to be back in mommy’s arms? Maybe you need mommy to lay down the law with a bit of good ol fashioned discipline? Whatever type of Mommy Fantasy you have, I can make all your role play desires come true. There is nothing you cannot share with me. I am a no taboo kind of mommy who loves to indulge in many types of fantasy play. I am well versed in all fetishes and […]
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