November 4, 2011

Good Ol’ Fashioned Flogging

Now this is what I call a good ol’ fashioned flogging!  A nice alternative to your classic spanking or paddling! (wouldn’t want to get stuck in a rut, would we?)  I love the whole antique vibe, right down to the vintage lingerie and period hair style.  And the way they turned an ordinary piece of rope into an effective flogger/spanking implement?  I lovely piece of ingenuity!  Makes you wonder what went on behind those heavy mahogany doors of yester years!   Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010   ** over the knee spankings […]
November 3, 2011

Flu Season = Check up Time

So it is that time of year and you know what that means…it means time to visit with your Nurse Betty and get your flu shot! I know you abdl’s dont like to shots but it is important in keeping you all healthy so dont delay call and keep sick days away! Nurse Betty Specializing in: Medical Roleplay – Nurse-Patient – Sex Education – Examinations – Enemas
November 3, 2011

Nap Time

  I always like to have a ritual when it comes to nap time.  A fresh diaper is always first, as I softly talk to you.  Next we gather your favorite stuffed animal, you blankie, and a fresh baba.  Then I gently put you in your crib and pull out Goodnight Moon to read to you.  And if you are a good abie, I will gently pat your thickly padded tushie until you drift off to dreamland.  See, nap time isn’t a bad time after all, is it?   Your […]
October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

I have no doubt that all of my little ones are going to be getting dressed up and having a wonderful time this evening. Just remember, don’t eat candy from strangers. It’s not because I’m worried about something happening to you, but instead I wouldn’t want you to get so filled up on candy that you wouldn’t have any interest in breastfeeding! Besides, candy can make it hard for you to go boom and we all know how much I look forward to changing your diapers. As always, kisses and […]
October 31, 2011

sissy sluts and sissy princess

Have you ever thought about being shown off as a sissy to many many ladies? I’ve though about how much fun it would be to have a big sissy show. Maybe even a sissy pageant. The thing about it is a lot of the sissies I know are plain slutty and they would do anything to be crowned as the sissy winner. I can think of several sissy sluts who would bribe the femdom judges with favors just to get that crown. There are some scandalous sluts out there and […]
October 30, 2011

diapered and bound

  Two of my favorite things are diapers and bondage. It just happens that my abie sissy loves them too. Lucky for both of us. I spent the other night talking to one of my old friends about abie sitting him while I got some errands done. As he was in the bathroom getting a shower I threw his diaper bag and a small toy bag into the trunk of our car. He asked me about whether or not eh had to wear diapers during this outing. I told him […]
October 28, 2011

Abie in a Bib

One of my favorite role play scenarios involves punishing an irresponsible and immature husband or boyfriend. I recently had the opportunity to play this out with a caller and I was particularly interested in humiliating him. I explained to my man of the moment that he wasn’t living up to my expectations and informed him that I had a plan that would give him a chance to make up for it and at the same time rectify the situation. My plan starts with a shopping trip and ends with my […]
October 26, 2011

Halloween Fun

I decided that for Halloween this year I was going to dress up as something very sexy. I know that all of you are just dying to find out what that is going to be. There is only one way for you to figure it out though. You’re going to have to come to the Phone-A-Mommy chatroom on Monday, October 31st at 8:00 P.M. EST. It’s going to be a frightfully fun time. So bring an extra diaper and join me there. As always, kisses and love from me to […]
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