July 20, 2011

Diaper sex

I love when my callers come up with great scenarios to role play.  Last night one of my callers used chloroform to knock me out and forcibly regress me back to a baby.  He gave me a baby bottle that was spiked and made me poop and wet my diapers.  I was forced to be an adult baby and have diaper sex with him and his friends.  They tied me to the crib and left me in my soiled diapers and humiliated me all night long….what a fun call that […]
July 17, 2011


My aby has been so naughty! I had to put him in the corner and I just know he was playing with his wee wee while he had his back turned. Mommy Lexus has been bringing on the punishment for my badly behaved ABies. I made my aby squirties from the corner and lean on mommy’ lap, his little butt in the air. I slowly unfastened his diaper and let it hang down exposing his bum bum. “BAD ABY!” I scream as I take my hand swiftly over his bottom. […]
July 17, 2011

Manipulative Mandy

My baby brother is such a weak horny little dickhead, it drives me nuts. I caught him sniffing my dirty panties once again and decided it’s time for me to do more than threaten to tell mom. I know, I know, but he just looked up at me with this bright red face, quivering lips and puppy dog eyes I just gave in and took mercy on him. I figured I could really work this to my benefit; he is such a horny pup he may be very easy to […]
July 17, 2011

small dinkie dick wannabe

I Little winky boy, would you like a lick? You know I would never let you put that teensy thing near my pink parts. I might let you lick it though. Especially after I get it filled up with creamy cums that you couldnever make. I know you can make cum silly boy, but I also know you can’t make the same amount that my sexy man does. So instead you can lick it up and dream. That’s what teensy lil sissybitch did. If you don’t measure up then that’s […]
July 17, 2011

MILF! It does a body good!

I see you, my sweet heart, licking your lips and getting so hungry! You really want some MILF right now, don’t you? Why don’t you come over here and let Mommy Crissy give you some mommy’s milk while I give you a little massage under your diaper! I’ll put a smile on your face, and show you exactly how to put a smile on mine! Mommy Crissy1*888*430*2010 And remember, Mommy Crissy specializes in abdl, diaper fetish, mommy fetish, mommy fuck, and so much more!
July 16, 2011

Plastic Wrap

I’ve been fascinated as of late with different forms of subduing techniques.  I have put the question to the forums over on Phone a Mommy, and I thought I might bring the subject here as well.  From cuffs, to potions to being immobilized by many pairs of hands to blackmail – so very many ways to be restrained for one purpose or another.  Now the other night in the chatroom, our resident Daddy Paul brought up the possibility of plastic wrap.  Well let me tell you, this peaked my interest.  […]
July 16, 2011

My Poor Aby is Sick

Last night my poor aby woke up crying in the middle of the night, poor aby was burning up and I had to take his temperature. But aby would not stop crying and I could not get a proper reading of his temp with the ear thermometer… that’s when I had to open his adult diaper and resort to getting the anal thermometer my mother used to use on me as a aby. That’s right I took his temp the old fashioned way and it’s a good thing I did […]
July 16, 2011

County Nursery

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they had a court sanctioned county nursery to sentence certain offenders to? A judge could sentence misbehaving and naughty boyfriends and husbands to this nursery – a place where they would be forced to where diapers with pretty pink diaper covers and frilly dresses. They would have to sleep in a crib, drink from a bottle, and take regular visits to the park and museums in their new attire. They would be given new girlie names like Janey and Priscilla and Betsy. The nursery would […]
July 14, 2011

sissy shopping with Mommy

There are many things Southern women are known for. One of those things is something my Momma taught me and that is to always look your best. You won’t catch this Southern Mommy out in her pajamas or with her hair a mess (that’s why they invented ponytails and buns right?). So whenever I take my little ladies out shopping mommy’s sissies will look their best too. I keep my sissies dressed in the cutest dresses and jumpers and I always fix their hair up too. Don’t you want to […]
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