June 29, 2011

diaper punishment

Momma has told you and told you about making wet messes in your pants little girl. I’ve had it up to here with you not listening so I am thinking it’s time for diaper punishment. You wet your pants over and over and there’s no point in being in panties if you can’t keep from tinkling in them sissy pants. So I went out and I got you some cloth diapers, some baby powder, some locking plastic panties and some baby mitts to keep your hands off of your diapers. […]
June 28, 2011

Poopy Pants gets Busted!

Now I hope you learned your lesson little man! Mommy has warned you to always be sure to have on clean underwear. But this time you really did it! Busted by the police in your poopy pants. Now you’re bound and calling Mommy to get you out of trouble once again. Mommy’s has to change you right here in front of the officers and all the neighbors, keeping you in the handcuffs the officers put on you as you kick and scream. Mommy has to keep you in diapers for […]
June 27, 2011

Mommy’s slumber party

Mommy Crissy had a few of her friends over the other night. You seemed to be fast asleep when the party really started. We were all so horny, we just couldn’t control ourselves. So we took off our clothes and started making out. We must have been moaning pretty loud, because you started peering around the corner! We were having so much fun, we didn’t notice you moaning too as you were playing with yourself under your adult diaper! I started feeling like the real center of attention as one […]
June 27, 2011

Dickless Wonder

Good God, Put the Telescope away, It’s Unnecessary! Sorry Babe that just won’t do. Its Hard? No Fucking Way! OMG you’re kidding right? Did you seriously think your insignificant pindick would satisfy me? A gerbil maybe. But don’t get me wrong you may not be a complete waste of space, perhaps my personal slave if you deem yourself worthy. We’ll see how you do. Once the chore list is complete, run my bath water and dress in the clothes I left on my bed, don’t forget the collar. I have […]
June 26, 2011

Sissy Fag

Frankie is our cheerleading coach’s helper and he is really quiet; the jocks are always calling him a sissy faggot. One of his jobs is to clean up the locker rooms. Us girls on the squad were just finishing getting dressed after the mornings cheer session when Frankie entered the room. Us girls all feel a little bad for Frankie but we too think he is a tad on the delicate side, so we decided to have a little fun with him. As soon as we started talking to him […]
June 26, 2011

Adult Bed Wetter

I have had enough Jeremy; my boyfriend wet the bed again this morning. He makes up these lame excuses that he spilt his water or didn’t dry off well after his shower. OMG these excuses are getting old. I am not going to pretend any longer aiding him in this shard! Nope, not a day longer. “Oh, Jeremy hun, I need you to shop with me today, I want you to help me pick out your Birthday gift.” I knew this was the only way to get him to come […]
June 24, 2011

Naughty Nanny!

If Mommy only knew what goes on when she leaves her little abie at Nanny Ella’s Nursery! Nanny loves to play naughty with little abies. Come sit on my lap, sweety. I’ll snuggle you and cuddle you while you nuzzle into my chest. I’m going to unbutton my blouse and open the front so you can press your warm cheek against my soft tits and find my nipple with that sweet, wet little mouth. It feels so good that it gets me thinking all kinds of dirty thoughts and when […]
June 20, 2011

Naughty Bedtime Story

How about a naughty bedtime story? We all know the story about Snow White and how she hid from the evil queen at the house of the seven dwarfs. Well, let me tell you things weren’t as innocent between them all as some would lead you to believe. In fact, Snow White knew how to look all sweet an innocent to the outside world, but behind closed doors she was a whole different person! After getting stir crazy from cabin fever one night, Snow White had an idea! “I know […]
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