November 18, 2013

abdl stories

I have heard a lot of abdl storie’s. Adult baby enjoy’s his mommy milk sucking at her big round nipple. diaper lover want’s to hear mommy talk all about her first adventure wearing diaper’s. sissy baby want’s to be humiliated at the park wearing a short pink dress with puffy sleeve’s. diaper slave like’s to crinkle while he tinkle’s and have mommy describe how it make’s her feel watching him. I never get tired of hearing about all the different play time’s keep em coming my phone friend’s!   Veronika […]
November 18, 2013

Mommy Has A Secret..

Mommy Janey has a dirty little secret…I love getting naughty with adult babies while changing their diapers.  Don’t get me wrong, I love taking care of and changing aby’s diapers and doing all those things that a mommy does for her aby.  I just love to do all that AND crossing that naughty line.  Without saying too much I think there’s so much fun mommy can have in aby’s diaper….aww look at how cute they are I know how much you like when mommy tickles your little balls…tickle tickle tickle […]
November 18, 2013

Have You Been Good?

So which one of my humiliation phone sex callers landed on Santa’s naughty list this year? Any takers? Why are you guys so silent I know one of you had to be bad! Well if you won’t tell me I think Santa will take care of it won’t he? He has enough coal in his sleigh to give all the little boi’s on the naughty list! Maybe next year you’ll be good won’t you abdl roleplay lovers? Ava 888*430*2010
November 17, 2013

Get Your Checkup with Nurse Betty!

I have just been sooo busy getting all my little ABies their fall checkups! So many sweet little ones to take care of! I have to make sure that all their little bottoms are diaper rash free and they’re all feeling healthy and happy. Adult babies can be very fussy when it comes to getting a checkup with Nurse Betty, so I have to make sure that my little ones are at ease so I can take care of them properly. I find that it’s the little things that put […]
November 16, 2013

Is Your Pamper Wet?

Is your pamper wet? Want mommy to change it for you? I just love my adult babies, Imagine having me change your wet pamper, then breast feeding you while stroking your ‘widdle stiffie’ in your crinkly, sweet smelling pamper. But beware – if you’re really bad, Mommy will have to slide your pamper to the side and fill your naughty bum with her strap on while she makes you hump the pillow she placed underneath you. While your punishment is being administered, you will be expected to cream your pamper, […]
November 13, 2013

Shopping with my abby

Abdl Mommy Candy is going out for you today. She’s going to Babies’ R Us to pick you out some brand new jammies and she’s taking you with her! Mommy thinks her cute little aby (adult baby) is finally big enough to choose your own pajamas. So I pick you up and take you out to the car. I open the back door and buckle you in your car seat and give you a teething ring to play with. Mommy gets in the front seat and starts driving to the […]
November 11, 2013

Pretty pink sissy

I have to be pretty in pink said the sissy. What do you think? Parading around in front of the mirror she look’s so so sooo precious. Like a princess from a fairy tale I say. Thank you mommy you are so sweet to my I am so lucky to have a great ab mommy to play with! Yes you are lucky little one I was meant to care for you and be a beautiful ab mommy. There now you are all ready to go on your adult baby playdate […]
November 10, 2013

Serve Princess Jenna

Let’s just get one thing straight – I am THE Bratty Princess and you are all just living in my world! All you stupid sissies, adult babies, and LOSERS who call themselves men, are here for one reason and one reason only, to SERVE ME!! Now that we got all that straight, it’ll be easy for you to understand that I don’t do any kinda work. Nothin, not a thing. You all are here to do everything for your sexy little Princess, right? So let’s start with cleaning. My whole house. […]
November 8, 2013

Petticoat Punishment: A Special type of Discipline

I try to be an understanding AB Mommy.  I try to be patient and sweet.  I really am a loving and tender ABDL Mommy to those Adult Babies that are well behaved and do as mommy tells them.  I don’t ask for much, really: don’t back talk, be kind and thoughtful to others, and the most important of all – do as you are told.    Now from time to time I come across a little one who tests my boundaries and beyond.  They defy me at every turn, are […]
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