November 4, 2013

Spanking Naughty ABies!

ABy Joey is a special little guy. See, he’s usually very sweet and well behaved, but every once in a while he’ll throw a temper tantrum. He knows he’s not supposed and that he’ll get in trouble, but sometimes he just really loses his temper. Now, Joey knows that the quickest way to a spanking is to misbehave when we’re out in public. He knows that I’ll spank him wherever we are, right in front of everybody. But of course, being that he’s an ABy, it’s just bound to happen […]
November 4, 2013

Adult baby and his magic milking fetish

      My Adult baby Ferris really like’s milking from mommy. He came to my place and he was  a grown up but after he drank my magic milk he turned into a little one! He suckle’s from her big round nipple’s and smile’s as his mommy burp’s him. What a hungry ab he is Ferris fill’s his diaper before he get’s done with his mommy milk. Mommy can smell that messy diaper maybe I will just keep you in that soiled nappy. Bet you would not want to […]
November 1, 2013

Boot Fetish Indulgence

Did you feel it? Can you feel it? I felt it! It was a blast of cold air right up my skirt! Could it be… fall in the air? Summer is over, and with the cooler air heading my way, it is time for shopping, and indulging in one of my personal favorite fetishes – boots!!! Tall boots, short boots, thigh high’s – love and lust to them all! Now of course I will still be wearing my signature mini skirts with those luscious boots. But with those skirts comes […]
October 30, 2013

Halloween is Here

Halloween just makes roleplay phone sex so much funner! You can dress up as whatever you want and nobody will suspect a thing! What do you want to be this year? Mommy was thinking of being a kitty cat or a sexy little devil. Do you want to help her decide? We can go over to the coustume store and dress ourselves up! We have to make sure your costume is super scary so you get lots and lots of candy! You know how much Mommy Candy loves candy! Hell, […]
October 28, 2013

messy adult baby

You are a messy adult baby! Why do you insist on running around in a smelly diaper? Mommy will have no choice but to grab you and force you to sit still while I find my diaper bag. Look at how you try to pull off your soiled rubber pants that is not very good for you to stretch them like that. Hop up here on the changing table so I can clean you up. Now you will do what you are told or I will swat that messy ass […]
October 27, 2013

Sissy Boi gets to Dress-up

So, are we all ready for Halloween?  I think taking my little sissy out costume shopping is almost as fun as the day itself. Taking my meek and submissive sissy boi by the hand to the costume shop, walking up to the sales clerk and explaining how I am looking for a special outfit that will showcase my sissy’s….unique attributes;  perusing all the different choices, each being more prissy and frilly then the last.    And then there is the process of trying them all on, hehehe.  To see my […]
October 27, 2013

Sissy Makeover with Lacy

This weekend I got to have a sissy friend come over for a play date. I thought it would be fun to use my favorite makeup sets with my sissy friend. We went up to my room and sissy Erika sat down in front of my vanity and I got busy with all my pretty powders and lip glosses and lipsticks. I made her up really pretty with blush, eye shadow, thick mascara on her lashes, and gooey glittery glossy lips. After I finished with all her makeup I let […]
October 17, 2013

Humiliated Sissy

I think punishment uniforms for sissy babies are a great idea. What would you think about Mommy taking you and having you fitted for something like this? Then just think, all of the other mommies and sitters seeing you in your PVC maid’s punishmet uniform? That way whenever you had it on it would be clear that you had been in trouble. Your cheeks would be so red as you served us in this.     Mommy Scarlet 1.888.430.2010
October 14, 2013

Halloween Fun

  Ghosts and goblins go running in fear when it comes to a badass phone sex mommy like me. Halloween ain’t got nothing on this dome diva. I’ll give you your treats but any tricks little boi and you’ll be sorry. Maybe I’ll open a house of horrors. All the little tricker treaters pile on inside expecting scary props to pop put and candy at the end. But what happens when the parents realize none of their kids have came home? Uh oh. Getting a cheap candy or a healthy […]
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