October 14, 2013

mommy milk diapersex

After mommy get’s out of the bathtub she towel’s off the big boobie’s and she slips he robe on. I tried to tell mommy I like seeing her with no robe. Mommy does not listen tho she leave’s her robe open so I can see her milky tit’s. Ooh I reach out and grab a big pink nipple and suckle it mmmMmm Mommy milk is so yummy! After all the suckling mommy like’s to nuzzle me when we lay down and touch each other all over. I really like mommy’s […]
October 11, 2013

Experienced Mommy Phone Sex

Nobody can make you feel more safe and relaxed than an experienced Mommy can. No judgments, no rules, no limits — just getting real and enjoying your body and your fantasies. That is what mommy phone sex and adult baby phone sex is all about – especially with an experienced mommy. It’s no wonder that so many people with high stress jobs find it such a wonderful way to unwind.   The contrast with the cold harsh world is what makes AB/DL so wonderfully relaxing. So whether it is diaper play, diaper […]
October 7, 2013

bad little abie

Such a bad little abie not doing what mommy told you to. I see you over there with your hand in your diaper you did not get my permission first! No pouting no and no throwing a fit you will have to stay in the corner with a diaper on your head for  disobeying me. It is not my fault you do not learn your lesson maybe next time you will think twice  before mis-behaving. If not I can always spank your bottom with my paddle I always have it […]
October 3, 2013

Bath Time

There is nothing like ending a long and busy day with a warm soothing bath, complete with bubbles and a rubber ducky and all your favorite bath toys.  You always feel better once you slip into the warm water, being able to play and splash and giggle, getting not only yourself completely wet, but me as well in the process!    But then it’s time to get you clean as I grab the sponge mitt and the soap, lathering you up, making sure to get all you little bits clean […]
September 30, 2013

Mommy Milk adventure's in adult baby land

Mommy hear’s your belly rumbling U know just what you are craving Mommy Milk. I take you and tuck in my arm and let you nurse you are so happy you clutch my breast playfully. Now you are done and in need of a burp so mommy put’s the rag on her shoulder and hold’s you against her and then pat’s you and you make a long satiated burp. What a sweet adult baby! I can smell you are filling your diaper for mommmy, I hold you up and say” […]
September 26, 2013

Seven Minutes in Heaven

I have a new game to teach you and your friends the next time you have a sleep over.  It’s called Seven Minutes in Heaven.  And seeing how I’ll be the only girl there, you all get to play with me *wink*.  One at a time, you’ll join me in the closet, and I’ll show you such wondrous things, you’ll think you’re in heaven!  What’s that?  You want to have a sleep over tonight?  Anything for my little man!   Mommy Gina 1.888.430.2010
September 23, 2013

whore sissy

Oh you are such a slutty whore of a sissy! Getting all made up in that pink lingere and bright red lip gloss. You wanna wear your diaper’s as you watch your sissy slut sister blow that daddy over there. Mommy does not really care as long as your follow her lead she look’s like a puppy on that leash. Her skirt’s are pulled up as that diaper boy play’s with her ass. Well I did not give my permission for you to make a nasty mess! Clean it all […]
September 20, 2013

A Day with my Sissy Baby

A couple of days ago one of my sissy baby girls asked me to take her shopping for a party dress. Much to her delight I was more than happy to do so. So I called my friend that owns a cute little boutique downtown – you know, the kind with all sorts of party dresses and formal wear. I arranged a personal meeting for her to meet my sissy girl and oh my what fun we had! I think we must have spent close to four hours just trying […]
September 19, 2013

Its time for fall

Flowers always gets my attention no matter where i am traveling or just going shopping i am always looking and if i see flowers they catch my eye i think they are just one of the wonders of spring which is almost over i hate to see spring and summer end but our fall is also a beautiful time of year with all the colors the leaves turn so tell me what is the diapered baby’s favorite time of year.I do love watching my diapered little ones running thru fields […]
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