Mr. Crinkle
July 24, 2008
July 30, 2008
Mr. Crinkle
July 24, 2008
July 30, 2008

Hello my loves.  My apologies for not writing earlier, but your Nurse Betty has been very busy.  Hopefully you will forgive your favorite Nurse.

I just returned from a Fetish Convention where I attended several Medical Fetish seminars (with equally delightful demonstrations) .  Oh sweet things – I can not wait to try out some of the techniques I learned with you.  Write to me and we’ll schedule a play date.  Or, better yet call me.  Why wait?

Posted by Nurse Betty

Call Betty at 1 888 430-2010

Add “PhoneNurseBetty” to YAHOO Messenger and tell me your naughty secrets 

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