Cinderella Crib
January 23, 2010
Best Friend
January 24, 2010
Cinderella Crib
January 23, 2010
Best Friend
January 24, 2010

Most of my babies already know my favorite type of enema is Milk and Honey, the benefits of milk and honey are how it soothes the lining of your colon, as well as cleaning the colon. To me it is a very relaxing type enema. My second favorite would be a coffee enema for the detoxification it provides to the liver; the coffee causes the liver to increase bile and then excretes it. Therefore, if you have never attempted to try an enema perhaps you should reconsider it has great health benefits. I would be happy to walk you through it over the phone. Happy Cleansing!
1 888 430 2010

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