Mommy fantasies
November 11, 2012
Adult Baby Feedings
November 14, 2012
Mommy fantasies
November 11, 2012
Adult Baby Feedings
November 14, 2012
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Breasts and thighs abie’s toys

Breast’s and thigh’s are abie’s toys momma loves her abie boy!
Just loves to bounce you on her knee & smile as you say “wee”
What a good abie you are playing with your toy cars quietly while mommy watched her movie.
Oh Mommy know’s what that face you are making over there means its time for you to wet your diapee! Ok , mommy is gonna hold your hand, you can squeeze it as hard as you need to mommy will not mind. Mommy is here to help you in anyway you want. There we go you need a change now? “No, you would rather sit in your wet nappie and scoot across the floor like a puppy?” alright then if that is what makes you happy,playing in a wet nappie. Mommy will not stop you this time. Now play silently while she watches criminal minds. Good abie!



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