December 6, 2021

My Diaper Sissy Is My Lover

My diaper sissy is the person that I want to have in my room to play with me. I want to make sure that my diaper sissy is the one that I take with me to the nursery and that is where I make sure that he needs to be changed. I will make sure that it is a soft surface that he lays on and then it will be time to sing him s songs and play footsies with him.  I may tickle him some times and other times […]
December 5, 2021

Being A Sissy Has Brought Me Happiness

Dreaming for years about being a sissy finally came into fruition.  It is more than just a sissy fetish for me as I enjoy all aspects of being a girl.  I even have friend that gives me her used sanitary products when she gets her cycle so I can wear them to pretend that I have a cycle also.  Being this way has brought me so much happiness and joy that I never ever want to go back to a place where I am hiding who I am from family, […]
October 18, 2021

Granny Minnie’s Sticky Sissy

I am Granny Minnie and I used to be the nanny for little Winnie.  Little Winnie has a little ittie bittie clitty and she likes to dress up inside of it with a little diapie.  There are so many choices for her to choose from and it runs the gamut of what she will wear for the day. To decide what will be worn there would be a plethora of diapers to choose from.  Sometimes it would be cloth diapers that were white and then other times it would be […]
February 24, 2021

Recalling Sizzling Hot and Erotic ABDL Stories

Many times I would remember a slew of abdl sissy stories that would turn me on. There are a bunch of them that are exciting and then then there are those that drive me wild and up the wall and those that are so touching and sweet because it impacts me how I transformed the life of others.  This brings to mind a time that  I recall when I was at a camp a long time ago as a counselor, there was another adult camper that I caught dressing up […]
September 5, 2020

Sissy Slut Sierra

Sissy Slut Sierra, is the name that I gave to my neighbor’s husband.  He had been coming around every time I had an issue with my house and he has always fixed it. It was by accident one day while he was bent over fixing a leak under my kitchen sink that I noticed a that he was wearing a silky pink panty with ruffles peeking up from his droopy jeans. Without warning I walked behind him and placed my hand in his pants and tugged on the panty then […]
October 6, 2019

Sissy Locked in Chastity

All too often, a sissy will come my way with a grave misconception about just what they are permitted to do and what they are forbidden from doing. Too many sissies will assume that just because they may have been behaving lately, that they are allowed to take it upon themselves to decide to start playing with that little peepee. Sorry, sweeties! Wrong! That pathetic little thing belongs in one place and one place only: locked up tight in chastity! That look of disbelief and humiliation on their face when […]
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