December 12, 2021

Mommy’s Diapered Sissy

    “And where are you going?”  Mommy asks you as she sees you trying to sneak out the back.  Mommy knows all about your sissy fetish and mommy has a surprise for you.  Mommy has been out shopping for you, consider it an early Christmas present.  Now come closer and see what mommy got you. Mommy starts opening bags and boxes.  Pulling cute frilly dresses, adorable pantaloons, and diapers from each.  Mommy also has matching plastic panties, tights, frilly socks, Mary Janes, bows and pacis for her sissy baby.  […]
December 6, 2021

My Diaper Sissy Is My Lover

My diaper sissy is the person that I want to have in my room to play with me. I want to make sure that my diaper sissy is the one that I take with me to the nursery and that is where I make sure that he needs to be changed. I will make sure that it is a soft surface that he lays on and then it will be time to sing him s songs and play footsies with him.  I may tickle him some times and other times […]
May 30, 2021

Mommy’s New Sissy Baby

    Mommy is home and she has a surprise for her little man.  Mommy uses that term lightly, because soon you will no longer be mommy’s “little man”, very soon you will become mommy’s diaper sissy, Sissy diapers differ from regular diapers in the color and look.  Mommy will have you in the cutest designs and the brightest colors.  We want everyone to know exactly what and who you are. And pretty diapers aren’t the only change, mommy also has all sorts of panties and plastic panties for that […]
February 6, 2021

Dana’s Domination

My sissy Dana has not followed instructions or listened to me all week which is so out of character for her to do.  It is as if she has been testing me to see what she could get away it.  I would ask her something and she would not respond and other requests that I made to her fell on deaf ears.  I have had my fill with her and I decided that today will be the day that I will administer on her a great dose of sissy diaper […]
December 18, 2020

Mommy’s cute little Christmas sissy

    This year for Christmas mommy has a very special surprise for her little one.  Mommy Candy has been planning it all year long and can hardly contain her excitement. Mommy has decided that her little boy needs a change, and in more ways then one.  This year when Santa visits, he will be leaving a very special gift for mommy’s little “boy”. Santa and mommy have been plotting all year long on the best Christmas gifts possible.  At first when you open your gifts, you will be confused…it’s […]
November 29, 2020

Naughty Sissy Baby Humiliation

Sissy Baby Tammie shook and cried while Mommy and her friends laughed and teased her, talking about what a stinky baby she was.  It wasn’t her fault! She had been just a little cranky earlier (she may have talked back to Mommy, but it wasn’t that bad), and Mommy started being so mean! She wasn’t even told before why she was pulled down onto Mommy’s lap, never even saw the thermometer, but she sure felt it when Mommy slipped in it her bottom while she was laying over Mommy’s lap […]
September 5, 2020

Sissy Slut Sierra

Sissy Slut Sierra, is the name that I gave to my neighbor’s husband.  He had been coming around every time I had an issue with my house and he has always fixed it. It was by accident one day while he was bent over fixing a leak under my kitchen sink that I noticed a that he was wearing a silky pink panty with ruffles peeking up from his droopy jeans. Without warning I walked behind him and placed my hand in his pants and tugged on the panty then […]
July 18, 2020

Forced To Be A Sissy Baby

You really should try to remember to wipe your browser history on a more regular basis, dear. At least when you have been looking up things that you might not want me to find, anyway. I’m sure you didn’t want me to find out that you’ve been searching terms like ‘diaper humiliation’, ‘sissy baby’, and ‘forced sissification’. I personally thing this is one of those situations where fantasy is a whole lot more fun than reality, but I’m willing to give it a shot for you, whether you actually want […]
June 14, 2020

Plastic Lovin’ Little Sissy!

I’ve got one caller, sweet Sissy Baby Judy, that absolutely loves plastic anything when it comes time to dress up. I mean it when I say anything. Everything from the plastic baby bonnet on top of her head to the plastic baby booties. Dresses, elbow length gloves, baby mittens, and definitely can’t forget the plastic diaper covers! The crinklier they are the better they are as far as Judy is concerned. And I have to say that I agree, I love being able to hear her coming down the hallway, […]
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