August 9, 2013

Diaper Discipline: Diapered and Bound

There is such a wide array of Adult Babies and Diaper lovers alike. There are the sweet and loving ones – those that can be left to their own devices, perfectly content to entertain themselves as long as they know mommy is around.  There are the playful and rambunctious ones – they like to have mommy close, playing and sharing in the daily activities, in need of a wide array of activities to burn off all their seemingly never-ending supply of energy.  And then there are those that are down […]
August 2, 2013

Office Visit: A Story of Diaper Punishment

At first when you see me in the hall at your office you smile and think what a wonderful surprise.  Then you notice the rather large bag on my shoulder, and your thoughts start to race.  Noooo, she wouldn’t…she couldn’t….and you play back the conversation/argument from the night before. How it ended with what you thought was just an empty threat – and yet… here I was, with what you can only assume is a full diaper bag, ready to follow through on my threat; neigh, my promise, to put […]
July 26, 2013

Reasons to Spank…Let Me Count the Ways

I can think of a lot of reasons to spank a naughty boy.  Tommy, however, has to be my naughtiest little one under my charge by far!  He constantly wets his pants even though he is way too old to do so. I have even resorted to putting him in a diaper, instructing him that he’s not to wet his diaper. I have told him repeatedly,  he mustn’t wet himself at his age, but he doesn’t care…so I have had to start spanking him – of course his mother said it […]
July 21, 2013

Mommy’s Tinky ABy

Oh my! It smells like somebody has made a stinky mess in his diapy! Come here and let Mommy check, my sweet little ABy. Never mind all the other people in this busy park, Mommy will have to change your ‘tinky pants right here. I spread a soft blankie on the grass and lay you down. Kneeling between your feet, I pull the diaper bag close and get all the changing supplies set out. You stare up, wide eyed, at all the people milling around us and I can see […]
July 19, 2013

Dirty Diaper

Oh don’t worry i heard you screaming well into the night i know you messed that diaper just had to let me know about it didn’t you and mess with my sleep.Thought you would get a nice clean diaper change didn’t you man did you get a big surprise.I reached over and pulled open my night stand drawer brought out my nice little package and opened it up and took those ear plugs and popped them into each ear and went back to sleep all smiling too. Wasn’t too happy […]
July 18, 2013

Let Mommy Comfort You

There is nothing like the warmth of mommy’s touch first thing in the morning; you can feel it on your back. You turn over and see mommy’s bright eyed smiling face and she begins giving you lots of sweet gentle kisses all over your face. You love being woken up by Mommy. She’s waking you because your diaper needs changing.  She begins to undo your diaper and she makes a comment about it being all soggy and wet. You feel the cool soft wiping with the baby wipe that mommy […]
July 11, 2013

AB Mommy and Abie Go to the Beach

I love the summer months for one main reason – the beach.  I’m a water baby so I always look forward to spending time at the beach, and Mommy has several new bikinis to wear!  And just like me, my sweet Abie just loves to spend the day at the beach as well.  I make sure that I pack his little swimmers diapers, along with lots of toys to play in the sand with.  Now of course I’m careful to rub plenty of sun block on his delicate skin, and […]
July 6, 2013

Diaper Changes

There is so many ways that we check diapers sometimes we automatically stick our hands down in those cute diapers without sniffing first and come out with a hand dirtier than it went in.But what the heck i sometimes enjoy checking those diapers but when my hand comes out with something on it i promise you there will be a price to pay and i don’t mean in money either.Whining doesn’t help neither does that sad face so what do you think should happen umm  well i think a nice […]
July 4, 2013

Daddy’s Lil Princess

Boy did I get in trouble the other day!  I was trying SO hard to be good, but I spilled my chocolate milk on the new carpet and Daddy got mad.  He’s told me and told me not to take my drinks in the room with the new carpet, but I snuck it in there anyway.  I was playing with my toys and knocked the cup right off the table, and milk went everywhere!  It was awful! Daddy came in and saw the stain and started to frown.  He asked […]
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