January 12, 2013

A Lesson for Mommy’s Little Boy

Mommy’s little boy has been a very naughty boy.  Seems he doesn’t think he has to mind mommy anymore. Well my naughty little boy, I think its time for Mommy to remind you exactly who the boss is around here. That’s right, Mommy is going to teach my little boy a lesson. When I am through you will remember that Mommy is the boss and it’s always best to mind Mommy. I scoop my naughty boy up onto my hip and take him to the nursery.  There I pull off […]
January 5, 2013

Diaper Fetish

It never surprises me how many people really enjoy the diaper fetish. There is something so naturally wonderful about changing someone in diapers. It is just a hot process where we can totally connect and I love how turned on you get from all the processes. It is so much more than just wearing them and I can always spot someone who is into the lifestyle because they revel in every step, every nuance. You know that, my diaper lover. You know the first time you ever bought diapers. You […]
December 29, 2012

A Wish

Did you wish for something so extra special for Christmas got up that snowy morning looking forward to opening those gifts but the one thing you wished for wasn’t there.Well i am here to tell you why it wasn’t there that is because you have been a very naughty boi this year didn’t do what Victoria told you to.Like when i said you were to wear the sissy outfit to the office and didn’t.Oh i know you didn’t think i would find out hmm too bad i did. So tell […]
December 28, 2012

Adult Babies in Disguise

Ok, you have to admit, these are adorable.  Perfect for all you adult babies who don’t want to be recognized for the paci-sucking Abies you are.  Just slip one of these puppies in your mouth and WHAA-LA! Instant disguise, heeheehee.  No one will know it’s you behind that mustache ;).  They won’t look at you sorta sideways, then look to see if you’ve got a thick adult diaper on to match that baby button that’s been popped in your mouth …naaaaahhhh…. LOL! Such wonderful little Adult Babie phone sex sessions […]
December 22, 2012

Disobeying Mommy

You were very naughty at Christmas party last week!  I saw you trying to sneak a sip from Mommy’s cocktail – even after I told you that it was a no-no.  Didn’t I tell you that it was a grown up drink? That it was not for adult babies like you?  But you wanted to be like all the Mommies and Daddies and be a big boy, didn’t you!  Well, you want something to drink do you? Fine, mommy will feed you something special in your sippy cup.  Something that […]
December 22, 2012

A Gift to Myself

Ever want something for Christmas but never seem to get the right one well i decided to get my own gift this year just for me.Well also since i have been so naughty and nice this year it felt good to treat myself with this awesome gift.So let me ask you this have you been a good fellow this year is Santa going to bring you something so extra special have it all wrapped up under that tree just waiting for your eyes to light up when you see it.Want […]
December 15, 2012

A Grinchy Kind of Christmas

I saw these and thought they would be a perfect Christmas present for a few certain babies I know!  They can be a bit on the grouchy side sometimes, so I thought these would bring a smile to their faces (I know they brought one to mine).  I can just see them running around Christmas morning adorning these – waddling about with this puffy diaper covering their lil tushies and a matching bib to boot!  Sooo adorable! Have a great holiday all you little ones! Mommy Gina 1.888.430.2010
December 7, 2012

Adult Baby Tee Shirts: Thoughtful Gift or Diabolical Punishment?

So whatcha think?  I was trying to come up with a unique stocking stuffer, and I thought, why not a cute little Tee shirt (or two, or three or four, lol) with a “personal” touch.  What a thoughtful Mommy I am.  So I got out my box of sharpies and iron-ons and tracing paper and stretched my artistic muscles, so to speak.  Throw into the mix a few plain tee shirts, and a fierce brain storming session, and whaala!  Cute little Diaper Tees. Now anyone who knows me knows that […]
November 30, 2012

Journey to Dream Land

It’s bed time, time to drift off into dream land, but first Mommy has to get you ready. Hold onto Mommies shoulder, and put your little feet in these warm soft jammies, that’s it, hold on tight so you don’t fall, but no worries, if you do Mommy will always be there to catch you. Ok my sweet baby, time to cuddle on Mommies lap, and let me read you a bed time story, while you latch onto my soft full breast, and fill that little tummy up with Mommy’s […]
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