October 26, 2012

Halloween Classic

Ya gotta love the classics – and as far as Halloween goes, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow has got to be on the top of the list.  There is just something about planting a seed of uneasiness, sprinkle it with a bit of universal primal fear, and then let the imagination and panic grow to a manic state. And of course there are those Adult Babies who beg and cry for a scary story – just before bed.  Now I know that that’s probably not the best idea for a […]
October 21, 2012

Stinky Pants

I sometimes wonder if abdl phone sex is really what I should be doing.. I have these moments of genius where I think that someday I may be a great song writer.. When I came up with this little diddly. Stinky Pants (Loosely sung to the tune of Lady Gaga Bad Romance)   Oh ma-ma ma maa Mama Ma mama Ew haha ha-ha Mr stinky pants   Somethings really bothering me, It’s something I can smell but I cannot see, What is that smell? Smell smell smell What is that […]
October 19, 2012

Sissy Gurls, Come out and Play

Hello all my pretty little sissy gurls.  I know you’re sitting there right now, nearly quivering with excitement because you want to be just like me.  I know you want to go through my closet, peruse all my sexy sultry things, caress those soft, silky items of mine; yearning to pick out something pretty and frilly to wear, looking to please. Perhaps we will go to the salon together and get matching hair styles, mani’s and pedi’s.  A day of pampering is in order I think – get you in the proper mindset.  After all, tonight we will go out […]
October 16, 2012

Classes In Session

Come one come all classes are in session fall break is over its now back to Rebecca’s classroom.Now you there sitting in the front room stop that.That is not allowed and so in the corner you go hehehe.Oh now susie why did you pull up your blouse to show off those pasties you do know better.Now time for lesson number one for the day we will go over this until each and everyone knows this by heart pay close attention one all no diaper playing in the classroom that is […]
October 10, 2012

Pinup Girl

I’m feeling a bit artsy – and I’m thinking you can help me out with it, hehe.  See, I think I would like to do some pics like the Vargas pinup girls of yester years.  And when I say do, I mean take pictures of YOU in a sexy little number posing provocatively. And I have the most lustrous outfit all ready for you too. Now don’t be bashful – you know you want to try it on.  I’ve seen how you look at all my silky little under garments.  […]
May 23, 2012

Adult Baby picnic for Memorial Day

What better way to kick off the summer season then with a picnic on Memorial Day!  We can pack a wonderful picnic lunch with all your favorites – corn on the cob, hot dogs, fried chicken, potato salad, plus of course watermelon (what’s a Memorial Day picnic without watermelon?).  But I always say the more the merrier, so let’s bring all your stuffed little furries and plushies too!  We can have a regular outdoor picnic with all your soft little friends to share in the fun!   And after you […]
May 20, 2012

Petticoat Punishment Phone Sex

Oh you have been a very very bad little one haven’t you, but, luckily for you, I know how to administer Petticoat Punishment! Oh yes my Dear one. You think just because you are a small male that you would never ever have to dress like a girl? You thought wrong sweetie. You see, this is what happens when you don’t listen, or when you go into Mommy’s things, and hold them close to you in a very naughty way. You have to be taught a lesson. Now if you […]
May 16, 2012

Adult Baby Nursery

You thought you could hide it from me – your little adult baby desires.  You thought you had your diapers and onsies and binkies stashed away safely, where I would not find them.  You thought you cleared your browser history as to not leave any bread crumbs to your little obsession.  You thought that if I found out who and what you truly are, I would run away as far and as fast as I could.  But you were wrong.  I found your stash of adult baby gear; I found […]
May 13, 2012

Happy phoneamommy day!

I had a very happy phoneamommy day! I spent all day in the nursery breastfeeding and changing diapers and makeing all my sweet abie friends smile and coo with delight. I really enjoyed spending time makeing sure they were all fed and entertained and well cared for. My sweet abie honey Darrin got mommy crissy a beautiful flower just for my bestest mommy he said! Awww Thank you my sweety I said. Mommy got all the love from the cute and sissy abie’s in her nursery. I always love tradeing […]
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