May 9, 2012

Sunday Picnic with Your ABDL Mommy

With Sunday being Mother’s Day, I was thinking a special outing would be lovely.  There’s nothing like spending time with my little one out in the fresh air and sunshine.  A picnic basket packed with all sorts of goodies, a checkered blanket to spread over the cool green grass, and a diaper bag packed with all the essentials  – adult diapers, powder, wipes, lotion, a spare onsie, along with various binkies and plushies and outdoor toys. Oh, and did I mention bubbles?  No picnic is complete without a big bottle […]
May 8, 2012

Happy Mother’s Day

Make sure you celebrate this sunday its such a very special day.Its Mother’s Day give thanks for the wonderful mother or lady in your life that has made this day so special.She doesn’t have to have given birth to you but brought something very special to your life.Wiped your snotty nose,gave you a hug because you were there,changed your diaper,baked those cookies that you love so good,took you to a movie you had been wanting to see so bad.So you see pay homage to that special lady in your life.Celebrate […]
April 29, 2012

Listen up my abdl boys and girls

Listen up my abdl boys and girls I am very sweet mommy but I can get sour real quick if provoked Give me some naughty lip and this phone mommy just might take you over her knee. But then you might consider that a suprise treat and not a punishment for your behavior. So mommy would have to devise a whole new system of discipline insert wicked laughter here. We will just have to see what deliciously devious things I have in store for you. Mommy comes equipped with many […]
April 24, 2012


Oh is it this abdl’s birthday i heard it was also heard that someone loved lollipops so here i go and make a nice lollipop cake for you and you have miss behaved shame on you. What am i do with this awesome lollipop cake doesn’t it look so good i see your mouth drooling you want to eat it all up and lick those lollipops too don’t you. Poor little thing standing there crying because i am not sure i am going to share this lollipop cake with you […]
April 20, 2012

Sissy Decor

I think one of the most important things for a Sissy to do is to feel girly, filling your space with Sissy Decor in one way to accomplish this. I think one must totally immerse them self in a girly lifestyle. I often give this advice to my callers and like all advice you can take it or not. Surrounding one self with feminine patterns, fresh cut flowers, girly magazines, tea sets just to name a few can change a person’s attitude and behavior unconsciously. Ones environment has immense impact […]
April 18, 2012

Obey your ABDL Mommy…Or Else…

Now normally, my little adult abie is well behaved, says please and thank you, and minds his manners, as well as his AB Mommy.  But from time to time, my normally sweet and loving abie gets a little too big for his britches, or in this case, his diapers, and decides that he is going to talk back to mommy or *gasp* disobey.   Now I don’t know about how your Mommy handles an aby when they get out of hand, but this mommy is a no-nonsense, firm disciplinarian, take-you-over-my-knee-and-spank-you-till-I-break-your-will […]
April 15, 2012

Playing Dress Up with Mommy

Remember when you were a little boi and you watched lil sister trying on all mommys clothes and you wanted to be the one playing dress up with Mommy? Well don’t worry, Mommy Josie will let you try on all her cute little frilly dresses and walk around in her high heels.  We can pick out dresses together and do each others hair.  You really want to walk around in my pretty high heel shoes too don’t you?  Well you can wear any of them except the red ones.  Those are for […]
April 6, 2012

Diaper Bunny

Diaper bunny is heading your way for Easter i realize you have dreamed of this so many time you just can’t get the thought out of your head.Getting that diaper changed time and time again.But then again maybe you would rather wear it till it is so soggy that it droops between those legs of yours.Infact that sounds better than a nice dry diaper that the diaper bunny is going to bring you.Come visit the ladies at bet they have some diapers just for you. Victoria 1.888.430.2010
April 5, 2012

Rubber pants lover

I have many phone friend’s that are so wonderful to to talk to and now I have a new friend I call him my rubber pants lover. He likes me to hear him moving in his rubber pants and he loves it when I talk about slipping my hand under them. He loves to slip them on and off while we are in a phone session. He also is way into diapers loves em can not get enough of them. We talk about how the smell of the soft plastic […]
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