July 16, 2011

Plastic Wrap

I’ve been fascinated as of late with different forms of subduing techniques.  I have put the question to the forums over on Phone a Mommy, and I thought I might bring the subject here as well.  From cuffs, to potions to being immobilized by many pairs of hands to blackmail – so very many ways to be restrained for one purpose or another.  Now the other night in the chatroom, our resident Daddy Paul brought up the possibility of plastic wrap.  Well let me tell you, this peaked my interest.  […]
July 16, 2011

County Nursery

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they had a court sanctioned county nursery to sentence certain offenders to? A judge could sentence misbehaving and naughty boyfriends and husbands to this nursery – a place where they would be forced to where diapers with pretty pink diaper covers and frilly dresses. They would have to sleep in a crib, drink from a bottle, and take regular visits to the park and museums in their new attire. They would be given new girlie names like Janey and Priscilla and Betsy. The nursery would […]
July 14, 2011

sissy shopping with Mommy

There are many things Southern women are known for. One of those things is something my Momma taught me and that is to always look your best. You won’t catch this Southern Mommy out in her pajamas or with her hair a mess (that’s why they invented ponytails and buns right?). So whenever I take my little ladies out shopping mommy’s sissies will look their best too. I keep my sissies dressed in the cutest dresses and jumpers and I always fix their hair up too. Don’t you want to […]
July 8, 2011

Show and Tell

Nanny loves taking care of Adult Babies. Once in awhile I am called in to watch over older boys and girls who are getting to that age where they ask a lot of questions. Curiosity is encouraged and rewarded on my watch. When little ones have questions, I think they should be answered and the best way to learn is by having fun. I have so much fun when my boys start getting curious about the excited feelings they are getting. A game of show and tell can answer all […]
July 4, 2011

diapered sissy and Mommy

  We’ve all seen those signs about keeping out of the pool, and what time the pool closes. It never stopped us when we were kids or teenagers though. We’d hop the fence and be swimming in the nude in no time. Just a few weeks ago a friend of my abie got a job working security at the subdivisions. Included in the area is one very nice pool and hot tub. We never even asked him, but he offered if we wanted to that he’d let us in one […]
July 3, 2011

Pooping Adult Baby Betsy

I really need a special kind of mommy and daddy to take care of me.  I’m adult baby Betsy and I love to act and dress like a little baby 24 7.  I wear adult diapers that look like baby diapers.  I wear cloth diapers to bed with rubber pants, and disposable diapers when my Daddy takes me out.  I’m so embarrassed when I make a poopee in my diaper.  Especialy when were out in public.  because they stink so bad and everyone knows it’s me who made the stinky.  […]
July 3, 2011

What do you see up there, sweetie?

Apparently, I can’t take you anywhere! I was dressed to the nines, looking amazing in my pink miniskirt on our outing to my favorite restaurant. All of a sudden, I didn’t see you! I looked around, trying to find you. Suddenly, I heard something under the table. … It was you! You just couldn’t help yourself, could you? Well, don’t just stare at it, eat it! If you’re going to be down there, my little pre-vert, I’m going to put you to work! Go ahead and start licking my wet […]
July 1, 2011

Mischief Maker

Ok, so I saw this pic and I just had to laugh!  Can you imagine walking into the bathroom and finding this?  Then I was thinking, now what would I do to the little mischief maker who made such a mess?  Well, of course the answer would be put him over my knee for a long and hard paddling!  Then perhaps into a nice thick diaper and placed in the corner to think on what a baaaad baby he was!  But I have to admit, I probably would be thinking […]
June 30, 2011

Good Times

  Sweet!  The Fourth is finally here, can you believe it?  Summer is officially in full swing now.  Time for good food, good people and good times.  I personally love fill a giant tub of water grenades and just put them out without saying a word; then seeing how long it takes for someone (who usually is three sheets to the wind) to discover them and plan their ambush on some unsuspecting soul, hehe.  I wonder…how many water grenades does it take to soak an AB’s diaper, hehehe? Ah yes…good […]
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