February 12, 2011

Oh mommy…..

Ok to all my little ones I know that with springl and the upcoming nice weather that you will be needing those personal touches to make sure those diapers are fresh and clean. Well if you wish to know I love to make all my little ones fresh and clean with the special touches that I can add…So you’re asking yourself now what do I mean. Well I have a special room with your name on the door waiting for you to come so I can get in to my […]
February 6, 2011

Uh-oh, I Smell Something …

~ My, oh my – what is that that I smell?  My Abie went and made a messy in his diapy, didn’t he? And right after I told him not to, no less.  Aby is supposed to tell mommy when he has to go poopy, isn’t he?  You know mommy doesn’t allow baby to go messies in his diapy, don’t you!  Now my little one is going to need a changing, but not until he gets a firm spanking!  No whining, or you’ll have to sit in the corner with […]
February 2, 2011

going smooth

You may have a preference for how you like the hair (or lack of hair) in your diaper area already. If you are one of the ones with hair in your diaper area I invite you to at least try it without. Who knows you may just find that you really love how it feels. What I suggest is to run a warm bath and soak soak and soak some more. Really soften the hairs up in the bath. Then use a shaving cream or gel for sensitive skin and […]
February 1, 2011

Diaper Bags

So do you have your diaper bag all packed and ready to go..mommy is so excited to have you cone and spend sometime with her…oh but don’t you worry mommy and daddy will be back soon…don’t forget anything when you come to visit with mommy…if you do that is ok mommy has lots of extra items to keep her babies all nice and dry…stay dry and be good…counting the days down until you come and visit…Josie.
January 30, 2011

Don't cry

Don’t cry…it will be ok…you know the old verse..don’t cry over spilled milk…nanny is right here and will make it all better…there are things that little ones cry over that oh my…if they only would have listened to nanny in the first place…so don’t cry nanny is right here to make is all better now…Rachel
January 29, 2011

Mother’s Love

  Sometimes there is no substitution for a Mother’s love; the warmth of her embrace, her loving smile, her unconditional love, her ability to chase all the day’s worries away. She can always bring you back to a simpler time – a time where the world was a much smaller place, where you are loved and accepted for who and what you are. ~ Are you looking to return to Mother’s arms once again? Where she will nurse you and care for you, bathe you and diaper you, lull you […]
January 28, 2011

Sissy Heaven!

OMG! Did I just die and go to Sissy Heaven? I think I did!!!! A full Sissy Make-over is what I am thinking. Oh yes, complete from head to toe transformation. Just look at what we have to play with all frilly and cute and makeup to boot! Bubble bath, shaving cream, face mask, body gel OMG you will smell delightful my pretty little sissy! Oh, when I am done with you my pretty princess you will be turning all those heads *hehehe* Mommy Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
January 22, 2011

Down the Diaper Isle

~ Confusing, isn’t it? The diaper isle – it’s a little like going down the rabbit hole. There are so many styles and brands and sizes to choose from. One doesn’t know where to begin. There there little one, it will be ok. All you need is a little help. Just go right up to the sales lady and tell her your problem. That your mommy sent you to get diapers and you are not sure what kind to get. Tell her how often you wear them, and how often […]
January 21, 2011

bound in diapers

Sissie Meg wanted to show me what his last Mistress had done to him. She seemed to be into diapers and bondage just as I am. Since the last session Sis Meg had with his Domme he has purchased plastic panties that lock. Lucky for me because they are some of my favorite things for abies to have. Lucky for Sis Meg because this way she could be bound in her diapers and gorgeous panties. Mommy Scarlet
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