December 22, 2010

New Year

This is my last blog post here for the year and it has me thinking of what a great year 2010 has been. Some of the abies here in our community I have gotten to know better during our sessions and in the chat. Some are new friends who I look forward to getting to know in the New Year. Personal changes have happened and I’m excited to be moving (hopefully sooner than later).I’m thankful for another year helping adult babies and diaper lovers to express themselves and for me […]
December 20, 2010

Christmas Dont Be Late!

ABDL Sing~a~Long! Get Ready…..Clear your Throat….. Fix the Diaper Wedgie….. Make sure the roomate has left the building…..Sit in front of the Tree…….Bounce from side to side……K all set? GO! Christmas, Christmas time is near Time for toys and time for cheer We’ve been good, but we can’t last Hurry Christmas, hurry fast Want a plane that loops the loop Me, I want a hula hoop We can hardly stand the wait Please Christmas, don’t be late. Okay fellas get ready That was very good, Simon. -Naturally. Very good Theodore. […]
December 20, 2010

Bells Across the Snow

First pupil: Christmas, merry Christmas! Is it really come again? With its memories and greetings, With its joys and with its pain There’s a minor in the carol, And a shadow in the light, And a spray of cypress twining With the holly wreath tonight. And the hush is never broken By laughter, light and low, As we listen in the starlight To the “bells across the snow.” Second pupil: Christmas, merry Christmas! ‘Tis not so very long Since other voices blended With the carol and the song! If we […]
December 18, 2010

A Visit with Santa

Mommy has a special surprise for youabie! Today we are going to the mall and see a very special elf! Yes, that’s right, Santa Claus himself!  Now no crying or being naughty, and yes you have to sit on his lap and tell him what you want for Christmas.  (never you mind all the kids and mommies pointing and giggling at you)  And if you behave yourself maybe he will give you a special paci with a candy cane at the end instead of a nipple.  Wouldn’t that be fun […]
December 15, 2010

the boy you were

The ” man” that you used to be wasn’t much of a man at all. Even when you went around and dated girls and wore underwear you were still teetering on the edge of adult babyhood. Now here you are months after I took you under my wing and you’re coming along perfect as can be. You don’t try to talk with regular words and you haven’t pulled yourself up to walk in so long you don’t even need those weights Mommy put on your restraints. Look at you crawling […]
December 15, 2010

Cookie time

Oh mommy needs to finish up baking for the holidays…the little ones enjoyed their time with mommy…making dough and cutting out cookies all day with mommy…they were so tired when we got done…but that is a special time that they will never forget…so what shall we bake next…maybe a few chocolate chip or maybe a pan of fudge…let mommy know so we can cook together and share that special time that all of mommies little ones oh so enjoy…Rachel
December 13, 2010

poppy bottom baby

Sniff sniff, what is that I sniff. Or who is that I sniff? Is that you poppy bottom baby? If I can smell you I am sure everyone else can. Do you like pooping your pants for Mommy? I sure like when little diaper babies like you poop for me. Your face gets red and you grunt so softly and then shooooo weeeeee poppy bottom baby boy does it again. It’s ok honey, that’s just what babies do. It means that you are a baby, just like Mommy said. Mommy […]
December 12, 2010

Diaper Time?

After a long hard day at the office or where ever you might work you come home strip down and get into a nice warm soft diaper. Of course why wait all day, there is nothing wrong with doing it anytime because, diaper time is any time. Babysitter Samantha 888-430-2010
December 12, 2010

Diaper Changes during Christmas

Mommy loves to lay you in front of the beautifully decorated Christmas Tree and changes your diaper as you look up at all the Christmas lights. Little Aby gets all excited thinking about Christmas morning, listening to the Christmas music play. Mommy wraps you up nice and warm, the smell of cookies fills the room as they are baking in the oven, sucking on your baba Mommy reads you The Night Before Christmas in front of the fireplace nestled in Mommies lap. Merry Christmas to all you wonderful ABDL’s Mommy […]
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