November 27, 2010

Play Date

I always get a devilish little smirk on my face when you tell me your friends are coming over to play video games or what have you. You think I’m oblivious to their looks, their stares. On the contrary, every move I make is deliberate, calculated. The way I saunter past the t.v., swaying my hips from side to side in my tight little shorts. The way my hand lingers on one of their arms, slowly drifting down and across their hand. The way I bend at the waist when […]
November 25, 2010


  Happy Turkey day to all of you…today is such a good day to think of others but also spend time with family…so be good for mommy and daddy…since there is only a short time left before Santa will be here…have you told Santa what you want for Christmas. …I got to go and sit on Santa’s lap the other day…I gave him my list…and he told me I was a good little girl…how about you…Josie.
November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving coming up I am getting ready to cook, and cook a lot. I enjoy it so it’s one time of the year that I cook recipes from my family members and try new things too. This year I am trying a new Peanut Butter Pie recipe so wish me luck with it. I hope that each of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving and a safe one too. If you’re lucky enough to have someone cooking up a storm enjoy it and if you’re the chef then have fun […]
November 22, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just can’t wait to see all my family and stuff myself silly…lol My family is a strange bunch but that’s what makes us so much fun. We are a tight knit clan and the holidays are a great time for us…were loud we pig out and we laugh, someone almost always gets drunk and passes out….fun times!! Let us all take a moment and enjoy a meal with the people you cherish. Salute Everyone Ella 1888 430-2010
November 19, 2010

diaper shopping

OK so who wants to shop with me the day after Thanksgiving? Are you brave enough to go out on Black Friday? You know what? On second thought who wants to avoid Black Friday with me? I may change my mind again though you never can tell about a woman and her shopping plans. All of those full parking lots, very long lines? It sounds like the bathrooms will be hell and there could be a good reason to go diapered. New plan! Happy Thanksgiving, Mommy Lexus
November 19, 2010

Just Image What They Would Think?!

Naughty Naughty! I saw what you were doing over there and I don’t think that your parents would allow you to keep doing that! What are you going to go to make sure that I don’t tell them that your over in the corner wearing a soiled diapy playing with yourself and sucking a binky? Can you just imagine the embarrassment that they would feel and what would you say to them? If I have to keep my mouth shut I am sure that I can do so but first […]
November 18, 2010

Love Being A Mommy

This Mommy loves to sit Aby on my lap and bounce him on his cute thickly diapered bottom. When baby gets this exciting its hard to get him to calm down, but Mommy knows just how to get Baby’s attention. I bring out my big lactating tits and as soon as I rub my swollen nipple on your lips, you melt in Mommy’s arms and begin to suckle my big nipple. Weather you like to be bottle fed or breast fed, I love being your Mommy and taking such good […]
November 17, 2010

diapered lovers

Maybe my last husband should have been in diapers. Sometimes I just think if I had been firm with him about my fetish and how much it meant to me then maybe we would have had a happy female led relationship. I don’t mean completely female domination, but for him to have been lovingly guided. Well then I also think of what type of person he was and know that would have never worked out either. The next man that’s in my life long term though, he’ll be a diapered […]
November 17, 2010

Mommy is here

Oh no did baby have a bad day…is he so sad that he needs to have a big hug from mommy…cuddling up next to her to feel oh so safe…knowing that whenever mommy is close by that she makes all your troubles go bye bye…yeah baby deserves mommies attention…and baby will be taken care of while in mommies house…oh so mommy will be ready for all your little ones….Rachel
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